Tuesday, June 29, 2021

(TWTWTW) That Was The Week That Was

 75º here in Clarinda, IA at 10:45 am Tuesday.  Had a fun week last week.  About time I bring you up to date on our activities.  Left Tuesday morning with the trailer and drove to Wahoo, NE (north of Lincoln).  After setting up the trailer we called my niece Julie and made a date to eat supper with her at Honest Abe's BBQ.  We did some shopping first.

Got a pile of yarn at Jo-Ann Fabrics.

Honest Abe BBQ specializes in hamburgers.  Had a good supper and maybe a couple hour visit with my niece Julie Miles.  Hadn't seen her since we visited with her in 2019 when we were attending the Wahoo Country Music Festival then.

Lots of entertainers at Wahoo.  We could only stay Tuesday evening through Friday at 5:00 pm when we headed the about 200 miles on west to Callaway

Had very hard rain during the night Tuesday/Wednesday and heard that they measured a little over 1.5" from that storm.

A lot of RV's there at the Saunders County Fairground.

We really enjoyed Justin Trevino from Brady, Texas.  He made a CD recently with Sharon Kenaston.  Justin has been blind since birth, but other than someone having to lead him onto and off the stage, he performs just great.

Terry Smith doing his hilarious version of "Bitter".

The Kenaston family had many
of their members there that day
that we had not heard.  This is
Venassa's granddaughter.
Was only able to see/hear one session with the Baker Family, who we have been following for several years.

Left Wahoo at 5 pm Friday, driving due west.  Ran through terribly hard rain in the St. Paul, NE vicinity.  Got to Callaway and the Lynn & Sharleen Stivers place about 8:35 pm where we parked the trailer.

Nine of the CHS Class of 1961 rode on a float in the Pioneer Picnic Parade late Saturday morning.

We gathered at the Senior Center near the center of town for lunch.  We had 30 graduating and 12 of those are now deceased.  We had 13 show up, plus one lady who was with the class until her junior year and she always comes back for the reunions.

We visited at the Senior Center until around 4 pm.  Then, gathered at the High School for a catered supper before gathering in the Auditorium for the "All School Reunion" program.  At right are the 10 of us who showed up for 1961 class.  We visited more with several classmates at the street dance afterward.

Sunday morning we visited briefly with Lynn & Sharleen Stivers where we had parked the trailer, and left about 9:30 am.

We stopped for an hour or so at Off Broadway Assisted and Independent Living in Broken Bow and visited with Don Ferguson, who had lived on his farm near Ansley, and was a neighbor of ours in Kenwood RV Park in Texas.
Drove through another hard rain before getting to Grand Island, and stopped for some grocery shopping in Costco in Lincoln and got to our place in  Clarinda, IA by around 6:30 pm Sunday evening, driving about 300 miles from Callaway.

Until next time, Lynn

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