Saturday, June 5, 2021

3-Day trip to southeast Missouri

90 degrees in La Feria, TX and 88 degrees here in Clarinda, IA at 5 pm Saturday.  Warm when in the direct sunshine.

Got the "old" quilt case moved and re-filled in the master bedroom.

Think Phyllis said she was able to put 16 quilts in the new Walnut quilt case I finished a few days ago.   It is in the guest bedroom.

Tuesday, on the way to pick up flowers at Clarinda Cemetery, we stopped for a few minutes at Patty Miles' dad's place where she was helping clean and sort, leading to selling house.  Visited a bit with Fred.  He is still busy working with his Stained Glass.

Wednesday we drove the 480 miles to Cape Girardeau to spend the evening and Thursday afternoon with my brother Don & his wife Vicki.

They are having some health issues and was good to visit with them -- had been over two years since we had seen them.

Sunset from hospital parking lot while riding trike Friday evening.
This morning a cement pumper was putting cement down for the footing at the new surgery room at the hospital.

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