Saturday, June 12, 2021

Summer day in Iowa

 78º here in Clarinda, IA at 10:30 am Saturday.  We missed out on any rain from the storm that went through the area yesterday.  Had been quite muggy and that has changed this morning.  Earlier this week had several days in upper 80's and at least one day in the lower 90's.

Nancy Tarrant-Schaurte and husband Jim just left our place heading for Omaha.  They liven in Florida, but have been on the road for several weeks.  They stayed overnight with us after driving to Clarinda from Chicago yesterday and went with us to J Bruner's in Clarinda for supper last night with several classmates of Phyllis' and Nancy's.

Phyllis, Nancy, Sherril & Bill Lisle

Chris Schlinder, Phyllis and Nancy

Nancy greeting Larry & Shira Bridie who came late and had already eaten.
Larry Bridie, Shira Bridie, Norm Schilb, and Jim Schaurte
Nancy Schaurte, Sherril & Bill Lisle, and Larry Bridie.

Waitress stood on a 
chair to take these
two photos.

Thursday evening we had eaten
at the local Mexican Restaurant.
This is Steve & Beth Gregory
Daughter-in-law Patty Miles also was there.


Getting trimmed

Been 8 weeks since we got home for the summer and I did the first trash burning at the farm Thursday.

They are once again pumping cement at the construction site for the new surgery room at the hospital across the road from us.  This photo was taken out our living room picture window.

Later, Lynn

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