Friday, April 30, 2021

Meet Burr Morse from Vermont

82º with heavy rain in La Feria, TX -- 85º with sunshine here in Clarinda, IA at 3:45 pm on Friday afternoon.  Nice listening to the non-noise of neither the furnace or Air Conditioner here today.

We have visited Morse Farm Maple Sugarworks near Montpelier, Vermont twice over the years.  Really enjoyed visiting with the owner, Burr Morse, and have gotten his e-mails which are both musings and sales pitch for their products.  Here is the one I received today:

News From Vermont #434 Whatchu Doing Standing Over There?

April 30, 2021

 The expression "each to his own" never gets more real than when the "cup-half-full" folks get together with the "cup-half-empty" folks for a little note comparin'. I, personally, have struggled with a "cup-half-empty" attitude my whole life thus far. Although I have always hoped my so inclined mind would mutate toward the better side, the other day it got even more so, quite literally.

 I had a little time to kill that day over in West Lebanon, NH and decided to walk a short distance to a big name coffee place to see if, indeed, their coffee is all it's cracked up to be...forgot the place's name but it had something to do with a celestial body and a dollar bill. Now admittedly, I walked in with an "attitude" (I love my coffee but basically believe it all comes from the same tank). Right off the bat, I did something stupid. There were little circles on the floor indicating where folks should stand and the first one I saw said "pickup order". Following in my dyslexic mind, I focused on the "order" part and waited there. Ten minutes of waiting brought both the feeling that I was in the wrong place and that the counter workers had developed an "attitude" to match my own!

I then sheepishly strolled over to another spot where I could read the offerings and prices...voila, I had found the ordering place at last! Knowing zilch about lattes, macchiatos and Frappuccino's, I made up my mind, for some reason, to go with an espresso, small. The girl taking orders, who had the personality of an undernourished coffee bean, looked up and rolled her eyes. In a weak voice, I squeaked "expresso, small". She gave me that "are you kidding?" look, took my three dollars, and pointed me back to my "pickup order" spot. 

Another girl who acted like I was a mere interruption appeared and plunked a seemingly empty cup in front of me. I stood for a moment in an un-caffeinated fog thinking "what the...?". When I finally removed the cap and peered in at about three eyedroppers full of dark liquid, it hit me...this was indeed their version of an "expresso, small"!

 It took me a lukewarm minute to polish off those few drops of very muddy coffee as I walked back to my car, lamenting my three dollars gone forever. But maybe it was money well-spent as I also learned some valuable lessons: 1) coffee is one of the best tastes in the world so no add-ons or embellishments are ever necessary; 2) Burr Morse will never be a "coffee snob"; and 3) whether literally or philosophically, please fill up the damned cup! 


Here is Burr in pics
 from different
e-mails of his, a
kindly old

P.S. Hello to all you maple fans out there! Jake here (Mail Order Manager) just wanting to wish everyone a Happy Spring! What a great time it is here as we are just wrapping up our sugaring season and more then ready for some warmer weather! I just wanted to put it out there that after a lot of discussions and meetings we have decided that we will need to raise our syrup prices:( I know, I's not an easy or fun thing to do but the time has come. BUT before we do that, we want you to be able to order whatever you may need before that kicks in! So feel free to check out our website or call (which is what I always recommend as it's just nicer to be able to talk a real person) and get it at it's current prices while you can!

 Here is their Website: Click HERE






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