Thursday, April 1, 2021

Been here 155 days - will head to Clarinda, IA tomorrow

 65 degrees here in Kenwood RV at 7:30 pm on Thursday.  Been heavy overcast most of the day with rain most of last night and into early morning. 

Spent the day packing the pickup.  Only have to put carrots on ice in coolers and then flowers on top of them to be finished.  Have everything in the travel trailer where we will sleep tonight.  Will unhook electricity to it in the morning and button up the place.  Have all the windows covered with insulation and will put a sheet of insulation between front door and storm door as we leave.


Texas room

Hooked up, pulled down to maintenance building to air up tires and parked with door to travel trailer across from front door to house.  Almost all loaded.

Everything but the kitchen sink is in the pickup and that is in the travel trailer, eh?

Found this morning that we won't be able to visit with the Bakers - they have a funeral in Kansas on Monday so will miss them.

On the road in the morning.  -  Lynn

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