Monday, October 28, 2019

Last week of October!

80º with bright sunshine here in La Feria, TX at 11:30 am Monday.
Here is the prediction for weather here in La Feria.  Upper 80's today, lower 90's a couple days and then cooler next week.
Planted some Juliet Grape tomato seeds.

Used some scrap lumber and bought new 2"x12" for steps

 First coat of paint on.
 These steps are on Darlene Winslow's place.  I suggested last year she change them.  She has 3 sets of steps; 10" for each step - only 2 steps to reach the platform.  I filled in so she has 4 steps to reach the platform, each just a little over 6" each.  This should help this 80 something year old lady getting into her house.
Changed a floor lamp into a desk lamp by removing one pipe.

Built a permanent platform towards the front of the pickup.  Can carry lawn chairs on top of it and still have full floor space below.  Will be able to put other stuff on or around the chairs, too.

Sunday morning we went downtown to eat at the La Feria Cafe (Formerly the Santa Rosa Coffee Shop).  Good breakfast, busy place.  Saw and visited a bit with Frank and Judy Parker who now live in Yellow Rose RV.  They had just arrived from Kansas City area.  Judy had back surgery during summer and was happy to recount how it didn't help any of the pain.

You don't see gallon sized hominy in stores in Iowa!
Sunday we drove to Lowe's to get replacement water filter cartridges for under the sink and also the 2" x 12" x 16' board for Darlene's step.  Had taken the battery-powered circular saw and cut it down by cutting 4 steps out of it so would fit in back of pickkup.

Then stopped at HEB for more groceries.

Will add some tomorrow, maybe, Lynn

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