Monday, October 14, 2019

In Gillespie, Illinois for the night

70º here in Gillespie, IL with bright sunshine.  A bit different than the 34º that we woke up to this morning some 310 miles north and west of here.  Well, today we are one day closer to the day we die than we were yesterday!

I am having trouble uploading photos with the lite telephone signal here, so will post them later.  We went to Iowa City on Saturday to see the "new" apartment Emmy and Derek moved into a month or so ago.  Then went out to eat at a popular BBQ restaurant.  With there being a home game for University of Iowa in town there were tons of people around and quite busy and noisy at the restaurant, with service a little slow.  Good food, though!  We then went back to Emmy's place and visited with them and their "new" dog (which is so full of energy he can hardly be contained).  I forget his name.  Anyway, Ashley and Heath, with Jessica was with us and Cam & Patty.  This was the last time we would see Emmy & Derek until next spring, so was glad to spend some time with them.  Got back to Cam's in Marengo in time to watch Nebraska and Iowa both get beat in their football games that evening.

On Sunday we went to church with Heath & Ashley and watched/listened to 3-year old Jessica take part in a kids presentation with singing and she shook a jingling tambourine.  Back to their place and Cam fixed steaks on the grill that we had brought from Clarinda and ate the potato salad and coleslaw that Phyllis had made as well as the Apple Pie and Chocolate Pie she brought.  With the big BBQ Saturday and the Chinese food Friday night and topped off with the steaks, am afraid didn't loose much weight over the weekend.  Oh yeah, we did go to a "Pumpkin Patch" near Interstate 80 on Saturday morning and walked around there and also a corn maze they had.  There were steel posts scattered around the maze with different paper punch designs on each and if you got all 14 you were to get a prize.  I ended up 4 short and some others were 3 short.  I did get in almost 6,000 steps registered on my phone step-meter, though so that helped offset some of the food,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a little.

We left Marengo a little before 8 am this morning and pulled into Marti's yard just before 3 pm.  With the nice weather, Phyllis & Marti are sitting out on the lawn.  Plan to eat out with Marti this evening and stay in her yard overnight.  Will head on south tomorrow morning and be in an RV Park in Cape Girardeau, MO a couple nights while we visit with my brother Don and his wife Vicki.

Hope I have a good enough connection in day or so, because I have a lot of pictures to show from the weekend.

Later, Lynn

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