Friday, October 18, 2019

In Temple, Texas

66 degrees - clear, darkening skies at 7:30 pm here in Temple, Texas.

Got to Lucky's RV Park just north of Temple about 6 pm.  Had left the great Corp of Engineer Park at Little Rock, Arkansas around 8:45 am and drove the 460 miles or so.  Long drive, but was all on Interstate.  Lots of traffic, but the road was decent.
Our spot at Maumelle Park - COE
Little Rock, AR - 10-17-19

Two old duffers on the trail

Returning to our trailer

Looking at the near Flood Level Mississippi River

Walking downtown Cape Girardeau
In the car heading to Jonesboro, Illinois

On Wednesday Don drove us down to the downtown area near the river and we walked several blocks.  Both Don & Vicki are showing their age, walking rather slowly and Vicki needs to hold onto someone all the time.
Then we drove to Jonesboro, IL where they both lived for many years and visited the cemetary where their
 monuments are.

Walking in Jonesboro Cemetery


This is Don & Vicki's

We visited the church where Don & Vicki were married in 31 years ago.  It is a Lutheran church that is only used once a month now.  It is very rural Jonesboro, IL and not too far from where we visited the Jonesboro Cemetery.

Side view of the church


Yesterday we drove from Cape Girardeau to Batesville, Arkansas to the Marshall Dry Goods store.  Phyllis got some material for herself and also some for the quilting group at Kenwood RV Park.

Have had a good time since we left our Iowa home a week ago this morning.  Visited the kids in Marengo, IA, Marti in Gillespie, IL, Don & Vicki in Cape Girardeau and seen lots of scenery.  We are lined up to visit a lot of "Painted Churches" in the Schuelenberg, Texas area tomorrow as we finish our journey to La Feria, TX and our winter home.

Later, Lynn

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