Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Photos from 1970's

Some photos from mid 1970's on the farm/ranch where I grew up in Custer County, Nebraska.  Dad loved the cattle he worked with every day.

Dad with a bucket of supplement.

Dad getting some bales to take out to pasture.  I think he
is wondering why I am messing with camera instead of helping him.

Dad in our house near Oconto, NE

Sister Louise

The sousaphone - all us
kids played the sousaphone
in high school.

Brother Roger on the fence.

John Deere 70 with the loader

Silage wagon

Dad at the "Oil Shed"

We spent yesterday (Tuesday) in Omaha.  Weather is warming up a bit.  May need to re-activate the Air Conditioner.

Later, Lynn


  1. Thanks, Lynn, for sharing these pictures, especially of Dad and Louise. Getting harder and harder to remember...

    1. The more I go over the pictures, both printed that I am digitizing and the thousands on the computer, the more memories it brings up


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