Saturday, August 4, 2018

Here I am

Wednesday I mowed the yard for the first time in over 2 weeks.
90 degrees outside here in Clarinda, IA at 5 pm Saturday.  Has been overcast and trying to rain, but nothing happened, at least here.
Getting some moisture inside the refrigerator.  Took off the
back cover and cleaned up these fins, but didn't find anything
that might be the cause.  Blew air up two separate drainage
hoses but don't think it cleared out any plugged stuff.

These "Naked Lady" flowers are blooming right now.

An unexposed "Naked Lady"

Got a few of these books read, but most still need read.

Finally upgrading my computer to a new one with Windows 10

Have the trailer ready to leave in the morning.

This is 10 day forecast for State Center, Iowa, where we will be from Sunday till the following Friday.
Doesn't look too bad for high temps -- week ago they were predicting in the mid 90's.
Overcast and cool enough at noon so ate lunch on the patio.  Got the trailer hooked up and moved in front of garage where finished loading it and the pickup, ready to pull out in the morning for the week long get together at State Center, IA of the Kenwood RV Park Midwest folks.

Later, Lynn

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