Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Real nice weather in the Valley

73º and overcast in La Feria, TX at 3:54 pm as I start this Wednesday.  Click on photos to enlarge.
I had put on last blog post a picture of the fan up in the Texas Room.
Here is the fan disassembled after lights didn't work. 

When I had ran the fan it wobbled and then I came to the realization
I had put it smack against the ceiling, which slopes.  So, put some shims in it.

This time I will make sure the blue and black wire are both
connected to the hot wire from the wall switch.

Fan wired and tested - it runs.  Also tested the
wire to the lights and they were hot this time.

All balanced and everything running.
This morning, early, Robert & Juan - the two maintenance men, were
busy barbecuing chicken hind quarters.
For only the second time this season, I went to stretching exercises at 8:00 am.

Not very many at exercises.
This was the sunrise as I headed to the Rec Hall this morning.

Today was the chicken barbecue thank you dinner by the Park
people - just over 100 people showed up

Phyllis worked all morning on the meal and
then helped serve.

Manager Rosie in the back, staff with Robert at far left, Alva, Rochelle, Phyllis and Juan

Neighbor Bob Raab doing a test run at his house with the
therapy people to see if he can return home.  Has been almost
two months since he broke his leg and has been in hospital
or rehab place since.
Is just a little over two weeks and we will start a slow trek back to southwest Iowa.  When you move every 6 months like this it does take a little planning.  Letting our foodstuffs start to dwindle - kind of hard to do when, as people are leaving they want to have one last meal out together at a restaurant.  Starting to plan what we will take with us north and what to leave here.  Since we still pull the trailer (and will stop in Waco, Dallas, Branson and any other places we take a notion) we can take some extra stuff, especially a freezer full of frozen stuff and some food in the refrigerator.  Was thinking of leaving the trikes here, but with my leg feeling better, think they will come apart and be packed in the back of the pickup along with hundreds of other things.

GROANER’S CORNER:((  During a terrible storm, all the highway signs were covered with snow. The following spring, the state decided to raise all the signs twelve inches at a cost of six million dollars. “That’s an outrageous price!” said a local farmer, “but I guess we’re lucky the state handled it instead of the federal government.” “Why’s that?”  “Because knowing the federal government, they’d decide to lower the highways.”
Doctor Doctor I feel like a racehorse.
Here take one of these pills every 4 laps!

Doctor, doctor my sister here keeps thinking she's invisible!
What sister?

Doctor, Doctor Can I have second opinion?
Of course, come back tomorrow!

Doctor, Doctor you have to help me out!
Certainly, which way did you come in?

A man's wife is sitting in the backseat while he's driving.  A cop pulls him over and says: Your wife fell out of the car about a mile back.  The man says: Thanks, I thought I'd gone deaf.
Do it now --- while you can still remember it!
Later, Lynn

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