Thursday, March 8, 2018

Cooler weather

Holy Petunia!  It has been a while since I have posted.  Will have to check my photos to see what I have been doing.
67º here in La Feria at 11:00 am Thursday with heavy overcast.  Last several days have been "long pants days" with cool weather.  Have had quite a few RV's leave for home these last several days.  Suppose some 20 units are gone for the season.

Was raining Saturday - Harold Neher heading from our place next door
to his place on his electric scooter.

Last, of the season, Association Board Meeting Monday morning.

Giving report on the swimming exercise class

Giving report on the swimming exercise class

Monday was Open House day for the Park, to entice new residents

Monday was Open House day for the Park, to entice new residents

The 10-lb propane tank that goes with the BBQ grill ran empty,
so brought up a 20-lb one from the trailer.

Tuesday morning, Maxine selling rolls at the Craft Show in the Rec Hall

On our way to Progreso, the bridge has been painted
light and dark brown from the old white and blue.

Wasatchi trees in bloom on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande River
Spent more time in Progreso, MX Tuesday morning than we had intended. Phyllis was getting fitted for crowns and a bridge that had been worked up before.  However, with some pain in the area it was found she needed a root-canal in the next tooth and a post & core put in, then temporary crowns over the three places.  From our original 9:30 am appointment, it lasted until close to 1:30 pm.  She was in lot of pain that afternoon, but it is much better now and think it is going to take care of the pain she has experienced the last 6 weeks or more.

When I came out of Johnny's True Value Hardware store in Harlingen
yesterday, this guy came up with a Kleenex bottle and hand full of newspaper,
asking if he could wash the windows for a dollar.  He did pretty good work, and seemed to appreciate it.

Wednesday evening Pot-Luck dinner

Wednesday evening Pot-Luck dinner

Playing Pegs & Jokers at our house with Lyle Winter, LaRhoda Neher,
Butch Giesking and Doris Winter.

Playing Pegs & Jokers at our house with Bobi Raab, Lyle Winter, LaRhoda Neher,
Playing Pegs & Jokers at our house with Phyllis, Harold Neher,
and Bobi Raab

Repairs done to this big air conditioning unit which cools the Rec Hall.
Last week a lady got out of her car at the mail boxes, across the street, leaving her
car in Reverse gear and the door open.  It backed across the street on its own and pushed
this unit clear back against the building -- and her door caught the bicycle stand and moved it.
Fortunately, no bikes were at the stand.

Dick & Deanne Messer's unit

Dick & Deanne Messer's unit

Lois Sumner heading down to the hall this morning
to work on quilts with the Care & Share group

Shorty and Terry out for a walk this morning.

Pastor Ernest & Evelyn Baker's unit

Pastor Ernest & Evelyn Baker's unit

Roger  & Jeanine Houk have sold their unit and it will be
moved out of the park at the end of this month.   

Roger  & Jeanine Houk have sold their unit and it will be
moved out of the park at the end of this month. 

Harold Neher helping Charlie Servin and Dan Herbst solving world problems

Neighbor Ardel & Marian Finken's place
Pictures above were taken from the trike this morning as I made a few rounds of the park.  Leg is gradually getting where it doesn't cause as much pain, think it is healing.

As a senior citizen was driving down I-75 in Sarasota Florida his cell phone rang.  Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him,  "Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on Interstate 75".  "Please Be Careful!"  
 "It's not just one car," said Herman.   "It's hundreds of them!"
Which motor vehicle figured prominently in the Bible? Honda, because the apostles were all in one Accord.
A small frog goes to a fortune teller and asks if he is going to meet a young girl. 
The psychic says, “Yes, you are.” 
The frog replies, “Where? In a bar, at a party?” 
The psychic says, “In biology class.”

Later, Lynn

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

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