Saturday, March 31, 2018

Packed and ready to head north tomorrow!

84º here in Kenwood RV Park at La Feria, TX at 2:30 pm Saturday.

Saw most of the people from the park at a gathering
last evening as we were riding our trikes around the park.

Got busy taking the trikes apart this morning; taking off front wheels, seats and carrier rack from back.  Loaded them first and then packed all other stuff around them.

Both trikes - without seats, front
wheels and rear carriers in one spot.

Most of stuff loaded

Ready to hook on to trailer!
Will fill up pickup with gas when we eat out this evening (Fridge in house empty) and will hook onto trailer when we return.  Plan on being at RV Park near Waco Airport 2 nights so can spend one day looking around the town.  Then Tuesday on to visit one of our Clarinda friends, Shirley Joens who now lives in Arlington, TX.  Plan to see the daily cattle drive in Fort Worth at 11 am and be in Sawyer, OK for the night.  Wednesday and Thursday nights will stay in Hollister, MO near Branson so can see the Gold Wing Express on Thursday morning and maybe some other shows.  Should be heading on to Clarinda on Friday.

GROANER’S CORNER:(( Paddy was trapped in a bog and seemed a goner when Big Mike O'Reilly wandered by.  "Help!" Paddy shouted, "I'm sinkin'!" Don't worry," assured Mike. "Next to the Strong Muldoon, I'm the strongest man in Erin, and I'll pull ye right out o' there."   Mick leaned out and grabbed Paddy's hand and pulled and pulled to no avail. After two more unsuccessful attempts, Mike said to Paddy, "I can't do it. The Strong Muldoon could do it alone, maybe, but I'll have to get me some help."  As Mike was leaving, Paddy called "Mike! Mike! D'ya think it will help if I pull me feet out of the stirrups?"
“Grocery store workers must let the customer decide if they want paper or plastic because baggers can't be choosers."

Later, Lynn

Friday, March 30, 2018

Last week in park - Phyllis' birthday

Have had some nice weather - in upper 80's in late afternoons and in 60's during night.  Lots of people have left the park and by Monday most of the other "winter Texans" will be gone.

Dad died 40 years ago last Sunday.   He died on a Saturday evening, March 25, 1978, his Farm/Ranch sale went ahead on Tuesday, March 28th, and his funeral was Wednesday, March 29th.  Sale, including some 600 head of cattle - some starting to calve - had been set up for several months - and was necessary to go ahead with it.  My brother, Darrell, had flown into Omaha from Florida on Saturday morning and I picked him up at the airport and surprised Dad with his visit at the time Dad was preparing for the sale - lining up equipment, etc., including moving a lot of snow.

 Dad used the John Deere with loader to feed the cattle that day and talked a lot about the years he had cared for cattle.  He had always said he never wanted to sell out, and that evening after supper and while watching the Johnny Carson Show he was writing in his diary at the living room table when he had a sudden heart attack.  Darrell helped me get him to the floor and I did mouth-to-mouth while Darrell did chest compression.  When ambulance got him to the hospital in Callaway, some 7 miles away, the doctor said we had done a good job as Dad had good color, but even though the Doctor worked with him for some time, he said that Dad was probably gone shortly after he fell.
Cactus getting taller - will see what it looks like in October.

The moon one morning recently about
8:30 am.

Ralph and Jean Snyder last fall.  Ralph, 101 years old, and
on home hospice for several weeks, passed away this Tuesday
morning at his home here in Kenwood.  Jean is 91.  Their
daughter, Jan Engle and husband Dave, live next door here
in the park.  They will return to Ohio/Indiana later this month
and a memorial service for Ralph will be held there.

Starting to cover windows in Texas Room

Covering windows in Texas Room

Put the two window awnings down for the summer

Two trailers were moved out this week - both owners
sold due to age and health problems.

Gave the Pickup a bath
Monday evening.  Tim Neher (Center) flew in from Kansas City
to drive his parents home, leaving Tuesday morning.

Phyllis had them over for lemon pie and to say goodbye.

Taking down, and waxing the
wind chimes, packing for Clarinda.

Taking down the butterfly decorations.

Planted the branch from the big tall
tree in back yard - hope the sticks will
protect it from the lawnmowers.

Ready for loading trailer

Hitch and wheel covers got a lot of dirt over the winter.

Cleaned and drying - ready to pack under front of trailer.
Wednesday was Phyllis' birthday and quite a to-do was made at the office.  These photos were from Kenwood's Facebook page.

This is Phyllis' last week as Activity
Director here at the park for this season.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

One week before we head North

78º at 7:50 pm Monday evening - predicted low of 70º tonight and high of 90º tomorrow.  Click photo to enlarge.
Wife & Daughters of shoe-shine guy in Progreso, MX
While we were in Mexico last Friday afternoon.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

Shoe shine (actually cleaner in this case) guy in Progreso.
Asked him if he lived in Progreso and he said no, they
were from Monterey -- that is quite a distance west.

Shoe shine guy and 2 of his 5 kids.

Picking ups some Meds in Progreso.

Phyllis standing in line at store in Progreso

Enjoying a Margarita furnished by the Pharmacy

Heading back towards Texas

Short line at Customs on Texas side of Rio Grande River bridge

Hooking up trailer for first time in over 5 months.

When trailer was moved, discovered small tree growing
Moved it and replanted to NW corner of Mobile Home

Saturday we went with the Messers to Texas Onion Festival
in Weslaco, Texas

Went early and wasn't too hot then - nice breeze blowing.

Venturing through the various booths.

Sampling one of the Blooming Onions - we shared
one later in the afternoon.

Spent a little time watching and listening to these high school kids

Getting samples of the really sweet 1015 onions
we spent quite a bit of time at the food tent, watching some
cooking ---- and sampling the end products.

This was some good Chicken Salad

And some good sausage stir-fried subs

Looked at some of the classic car display

Not a pink - but a fuchsia Cadillac 

Watched quite a Dancing Horse Show

We did get our Bloomin' Onion

 Following photos taken on my camera by Harold Malone from New York state, at the last-of-the-season Church Service in the Rec Hall here in Kenwood RV Park this morning.

Singing our special

Singing our special

Singing our special
We sang Edelweiss from  the rear of the congregation at the end of this last church service.  Unfortunately, some of the rude people got up and visited and started exiting while we were singing.

Drove to Santa Rosa for brunch - this table near us were, all but Don, on their way home to
northwest Ohio.


 Bob Raab just got home from the hospital/rehab place yesterday after some 2 months.  Broke his leg just below the hip bone, and at 88 years old, it has been quite a long road.  We, and the Neher's, spent a little time and played some Pegs & Jokers with them.  Neher's are leaving Tuesday and we are leaving next weekend.  Raab's will probably be here until late May while he continues to heal, before heading to Minneapolis, MN

I had left my camera at home, so used my cell phone, which is crappy compared to a decent camera, to take these photos.  They give an image, but I certainly am not proud of them.

GROANER’S CORNER:((  A kindergarten student was having trouble putting on his boots, and asked his teacher for help. Even with her pulling and him pushing, the boots still didn't want to go on. Finally they got both boots on. She grimaced when the little boy said, "They're on the wrong feet."  Sure enough, they were. The teacher kept her cool as together they worked to get the boots back on - this time on the correct feet. The little boy then announced, "These aren't my boots." The teacher sighed and pulled the boots off.
The boy then said, "They're my brother's boots. My Mom made me wear them."  The teacher felt like crying, but she mustered up the strength to wrestle the boots back onto his feet. "Now," she said, "where are your mittens?"  The boy replied, "I stuffed them in my boots...."

A Few More New Word Dafynitions::
Grantartica, noun: The cold, isolated place where arts companies without funding dwell.

intaxication, noun: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.

kinstirpation, noun: A painful inability to get rid of relatives who come to visit.

lullabuoy, noun: An idea that keeps floating into your head and prevents you from drifting off to sleep.
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Uruguay who?
You go Uruguay and I'll go mine!

Later, Lynn

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...