Friday, March 31, 2017

Done packing for moving north

88º in La Feria at 4:40 pm Friday -- Hot with 23 mph SE Wind.

Just put last of my March photos on Picasa 3 - 473. photos during the month of March, after deleting doubles or bad shots. This includes lot of photos I downloaded off Facebook of friends and family.

Taking the recumbent trikes apart and folding up to make smaller for packing
 Both trikes in the pickup - wheels not in, one seat laying on its side.

Trikes, wheels, seats, and carrier baskets and racks all in.  Trikes covered so grease on the chain doesn't get on anything. Only things not in are a couple plants that will sit in the big box on the bottom and smaller box behind and above it.

Passenger side of pickup.

Left side of pickup.  Have 100 lbs of grapefruit and 50 lbs of onions in there.

This Aloe plant was planted some six years ago.  It has gotten along well; but now it has just budded, or something.  Don't know what is ahead for it -- since we are leaving in the morning won't see what it does until late October.

Our Texas room with insulation on the inside of all the west-facing windows.  Spent today covering the north windows with insulation and the south doors and windows in that room with just some screening (they are under the carport) so can't be seen in.

Have only two windows with awnings, this is the west facing bedroom window -- got the awning lowered for the summer season.  Did the same for the one on front, or south end, of the mobile home.

Trailer hooked and ready to pull out in the morning.

Insulation on north door & window

Shutter down on front of house.
Hope to post from on the road -- Later, Lynn

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