Sunday, March 12, 2017

Harold Neher's 90th Celebration.

69º with heavy cloud cover at 6:00 am Sunday as I start this, here in La Feria, TX

Our next-door neighbor Harold Neher turned 90 last Tuesday and yesterday, Saturday, many of his family were here to help him celebrate.  In photo - left to right LaRhoda's sister Joyce and husband, Daughter Tammy and husband, Harold, LaRhoda, son Terry and wife.  Son Tim was not able to come.
Son Terry related experiences growing up with the family

Harold and LaRhoda in center of photo at the table

Quite a large crowd attended

Gentleman front, right may have wondered what all the
hoopla was about---he turned 100 in January
Their son lives in Topeka, KS and daughter lives near Hiawatha, KS.  The four of them drove straight through, arriving 11:30 Friday night and will be starting back later today.  They went to South Padre Island right after the gathering ended at 4:00 pm so the kids could see the beach on the Gulf of Mexico.
In the meantime we had neighbors Bob & Bobi Raab as well as former neighbors Doris & Lyle Winter come to our place for some Pegs & Joker games and a light sandwich lunch after the celebration at the Rec Hall.

Neighbors Jim and Lavin Boozer had not been to the park this year due to health issues.  They arrived only a few hours before Harold's gathering.  They are selling their place only about 3 doors down from us, though plan to possibly return next year in a rental.  Jim said they would be here a couple weeks before returning to Illinois with some of the stuff from their home.

My oldest brother, Roger - in Lincoln, Nebraska, turns 80 years old today.  Will miss his celebration, but will give him a call later.
More later, Lynn

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed spending some time with our Kenwood friends! Wishing our friend and brother, Harold a very Happy Birthday and look forward to celebrating more birthdays with him! Thanks for inviting us to join you on Sunday at the Bamboo Gardens. Hope to see you before we head north. They have snow up there so not in to big a hurry!


Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

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