Friday, March 17, 2017

St. Patrick's Day 2017

73º with high humidity (82%) - forecast of 83º -- here in La Feria, Texas at 9:00 am Friday as I start this.  Wind has not come up yet, but, like nearly all days, will be in the 20 mph most of the day from the South-South-East.   Went to the 8:00 am stretch exercises and ate breakfast afterwards.  Phyllis is off to work and sometime today we will go in to Harlingen to deliver some things for the office and then do some personal errands there and also go to the west at Mercedes where we will get several cases of liquid Aloe to last us through the summer until returning this fall.

Click on photos to enlarge.

This is all that is left of the lettuce tray -- was disappointing with only a couple salads through the winter.
The last lettuce - and one tomato harvested!
Squint and you can see a couple tomatoes (in addition to the one in the bowl above) coming on.  Since we will be leaving in a couple weeks I am guessing most of the 50-some tomatoes setting on now will wrapped in newspaper and taken with us when we head north.

This is what the whole tomato "thingy) looks like.  The old refrigerator shelves are protecting the growth above the netting from birds.  I will be dismantling this whole thing in about 2 weeks.

 Wednesday evening was our last pot-luck supper of this season at the Rec Hall.  Had some 50 people attend -- pretty good considering nearly half of the people in RV's have already headed north.
Afterwards we went next door to the Neher's and played Pegs & Jokers with them and the Raabs.

Thursday morning, as every Thursday morning since October (except the week we were on the Cruise) I hauled the fabric from the storage building to the Rec Hall at 8:30 am and then returned it (including the finished quilts they made that day) to the storage building again at 2:30 pm.

Went to Meet 'N Greet at 4:00 pm yesterday and at 6:30 pm went back to the Rec Hall for what we thought might be last Bean Bag Baseball.

Am continuing to put up my "mini-log" interior walls in the Texas Room.  This last section is above the front doors.

This is photo taken from Facebook.  My oldest brother, Roger - in Lincoln, Nebraska - turned 80 last Sunday.  Made several calls to his home but was unable to connect with him.  Wish him happy 80th!  Will try to see them on our way back to Clarinda, IA the first week of April (Their 58th Wedding Anniversary will be on April 5th).

Though this is St. Patricks Day there was no one here in the park willing to cook a corned beef and cabbage supper so we will maybe go out to eat this evening.

More later, Lynn

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