Monday, November 21, 2016

Thanksgiving week.

67º here in La Feria, TX as I start this at 8:40 am Monday.  33º at our home in Clarinda, IA.
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 Phyllis coordinated the biscuits & gravy with scrambled eggs breakfast for about 20 people Saturday morning at the Rec Hall.
Lois Sumner

The Creasey's, Lawrence Ferguson & Don Unger

Lawrence Ferguson, Don Unger and Marion & Ardel Finken
Bobbi Raab's lemon tree

Bobbi Raab's Lemon tree

Clusters of Grapefruit
We picked Grapefruit

Bob & Bobbi Raab - this is for you.  The house by Bob's daughter's place is gone.

Gives a different look!

Friday night we had about an inch of rain in 15 minutes as the cold front came through.  High winds - note all the palm tree stuff here.  TV reported 57 mph winds in Harlingen - just a few miles from us.
Oranges & grapefruit hanging
in our sunroom

Local grocery store, HEB, put on dinner
for 9,000 people last week.  The newspaper
article said they put this on in 33 cities across
southern Texas before Thanksgiving, serving
250,000 free meals.

Look at the amount of food served at this one location

We did not go to this meal, but think quite a few Winter Texans do.  It is for all customers of HEB.

This is the week of Thanksgiving and Phyllis is in high gear.  Most of the food has been bought and put in the kitchen, refrigerator or freezer.  We pick up 5 turkeys that will be thawed out on Wednesday.  She will fix the dressing before hand, the mashed potatoes and gravy on Thursday morning and the Turkeys baked Thursday morning.  Have something over 80 people signed up to attend.  All will bring pot-luck to add to the Turkey, potatoes, gravy and dressing.

Weather is forecast to be in the low to mid 80's all this week, with lows in the 60's.  Not bad weather.

Later, Lynn

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