Wednesday, September 14, 2016

More Clay County Fair

 For whatever reason this Blogger editor decided to not do what I wanted, so closed that page and started this.

There were tons of vendors with all sorts of stuff for sale.

This Mat's Family Jam group drove around the grounds most of every day and also pulled up in front of some stands each evening to put on a show -- the drummer is 11 years old, sister is 14 and brother playing the guitar is 17.  Dad, Mat is in the back and mother is on the ground with the saxophone.

This is a promotional photo of them.

Allen Edwards put on a show on Monday.  He was a Houston, TX police detective for many years and now travels as a singer.  Click Here for his website

 Quite a few things done with gourds.

There was quite a collection of classic tractors.
I think this setup is similar to what my brother Roger worked with in the 1960's back in Custer County, Nebraska.

On the 200 mile drive back south to Clarinda we drove almost exclusively on county roads and by lots and lots of corn and beans.  Some is close to being harvested, but with the rains will be a little delay.

More later, Lynn

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