Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Good Rain

Large Maple - actually on neighbors property
64 degrees in Clarinda, IA at 11:20 am on Sunday.
   Had just about 2 inches of rain overnight and a great cool down.  It had been muggy and warm for the last week.

Am posting pictures of all the trees on our place here in town.

Burr Oak I planted on west side
of house about 3-4 years ago.

At the bottom is flower circle on site of
a tree taken out.  Behind is a Baldcypress

This very tall Maple is to the southwest
of our house.

Evergreen bush around and completely in front
of southwest bedroom.  At right is the Maple

Maple Tree at southwest corner of our house
and Pin Oak on right

Burr Oak (By trailer) and Big Maple tree  inbackground
- to right is Pin Oak Tree

Ash Tree between Garage and Shop

Large Maple Tree to southwest of our house

Buckeye tree (without leaves in center) - Maple tree - the tallest --
Pin Oak to the left and the two short trees to the far left
are Burr Oaks planted about 2 years ago in 2014
This hedge runs something over 200 feet along north side

Large Lilac bush and tomato plants at east end of deck

The new sealer coat on the deck seems to work with this rain.

Good pooling of water on the deck.

Until later, Lynn

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