Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Our time at the Clay County Fair

  72 degrees with heavy overcast in Clarinda, IA at 1:30 pm on this Wednesday.
Spent the last weekend and Monday at the Clay County Fair CLICK HERE for their website

We saw these gals at least three time.  Usually a half-hour performance.  They were really good.

CLICK HERE for Dually Noted Video

Don't know if Don Ferguson from Ansley, NE will see this, but I found one of his tractors at the fair.
This was an area where the kids could play with some pretty good sized farm toys.

There are acres upon acres of farm machinery on display.

We watched several judging of cattle, hogs, sheep, etc.

This is Hillbilly Bob and Old Ruthie; he cruised the grounds entertaining people.

There were usually lines waiting for the restaurants or the dozens of food stands on the grounds.

Some hog judging.

They had quite a few horse classes.  With the ideal weather and sunshine and temperatures, it was a joy to sit and watch.  This particular photo shows the real young kids who were lead around the ring by their parents/grandparents.

I happened into one of the men's rooms when there was no one in there so took photo of these 10 and 15 foot long troughs for the men to relieve  themselves in.  Later was in when a bunch of young boys were there and they thought it was quite exciting to look up and down the trough at the others.

 In their Depot building they had a huge, huge train set up with multiple trains running all the time and lots of different towns, seasons, activities, etc.

 Tonic Sol-fa is the name of this a Capella group.  They performed 9 times during the 3 days we were there and I think we saw--and heard them 3 or 4 times.

 Bought a CD and they are really fun to listen to.
CLICK HERE for their web page

Tried some of the Grator-Tators once.  Probably not the healthiest food, but sure tasted good.
Ran in to
Lester Vanderwerf,
from Springfield, MN - he and his wife Marion spend their winters in our RV Park in Texas.

I will make another page...............

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