Friday, September 20, 2024

First Day of September Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival 2024

 83º here at Starvy Creek at 10 am on Friday with bright sunshine and forecast of 94º later today.

This photo was posted on Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festivals Facebook page, taken of the campground this weekend.

Program started last evening at 6:00 pm with ideal weather.  Even at 83 degrees we were in shade and had a nice easterly breeze.  Pretty good sized crowd,, I would guess 200 people.

First up was Casey & the Attaboys from Clever,
 MO.  A very energetic group.

Next up - Route 3 from Purdy, MO
An all-guy group with a lot of energy.

At 8 pm Larry Stephenson Band took the
stage.  They are from Nashville, TN

Joe Mullins & The Radio Ramblers finished out
the evening at 10:20 pm.  He is from
Xenia, OH,
Today will be from 12 Noon until after 10 pm.  Lot of enjoyable bands.

Here are some photos that caught my attention.  I only recall seeing threshing machine set up and running once--near the Lower Lodi grade school on the Pierce farm I think.

Dad used to tell a lot of stories about threshing with the gang in South Dakota when he was 
young.  Recall him telling about the foreman sticking his head up through the haymow floor where the men slept overnight and yelling "Sunlight in the Swamps, boys!" to wake them up.  One morning they planned together and when he stuck his head up they all threw their shoes/boots at him, knocking him off the ladder.

Swe shocked grain but don't recall where it was, maybe on the Cornish place.

Later, Lynn

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First Day of September Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival 2024

 83º here at Starvy Creek at 10 am on Friday with bright sunshine and forecast of 94º later today. This photo was posted on Starvy Creek Blu...