Sunday, September 1, 2024

Clarinda Air Show

 77 degrees with bright sunshine here in Clarinda, IA at 2:00 pm Sunday.

Had some storm warnings last few days but did not have much activity here.

Had just under .7" rain from those clouds.

Yesterday was Clarinda Fly In at the airport.  We watched from our lawn chairs on the neighbor to the east's lawn.  In shade of a tree and nice cool breeze.

Below are pictures from Facebook actually taken down at the airport.  Was no shade and looks crowded.

Simulated bombing like 
in WW2

Simulated bombing like 
in WW2

Simulated bombing like 

in WW2

Two different days we ate on the deck.  One at right is yesterday and a helicopter, taking people for rides, flew over us more than a dozen times.  Going west from the north end of the airport they were about 100 feet above us to the north.  Going back to the airport they were about 50 feet directly above our house.  Didn't get any photos, but could see the people on the ride since doors were removed on both sides.  Advertisement had $90 per seat with maximum of 10 per ride.

Photos at left

and below
were taken 
from our hilltop.

This was a minute or so after the explosions on the ground shown above.

Later, Lynn

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