Friday, September 20, 2024

First Day of September Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival 2024

 83º here at Starvy Creek at 10 am on Friday with bright sunshine and forecast of 94º later today.

This photo was posted on Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festivals Facebook page, taken of the campground this weekend.

Program started last evening at 6:00 pm with ideal weather.  Even at 83 degrees we were in shade and had a nice easterly breeze.  Pretty good sized crowd,, I would guess 200 people.

First up was Casey & the Attaboys from Clever,
 MO.  A very energetic group.

Next up - Route 3 from Purdy, MO
An all-guy group with a lot of energy.

At 8 pm Larry Stephenson Band took the
stage.  They are from Nashville, TN

Joe Mullins & The Radio Ramblers finished out
the evening at 10:20 pm.  He is from
Xenia, OH,
Today will be from 12 Noon until after 10 pm.  Lot of enjoyable bands.

Here are some photos that caught my attention.  I only recall seeing threshing machine set up and running once--near the Lower Lodi grade school on the Pierce farm I think.

Dad used to tell a lot of stories about threshing with the gang in South Dakota when he was 
young.  Recall him telling about the foreman sticking his head up through the haymow floor where the men slept overnight and yelling "Sunlight in the Swamps, boys!" to wake them up.  One morning they planned together and when he stuck his head up they all threw their shoes/boots at him, knocking him off the ladder.

Swe shocked grain but don't recall where it was, maybe on the Cornish place.

Later, Lynn

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Back at Starvy Creek

 86º with bright sunshine alternating with clouds here at Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival Campground - some 40 miles northeast of Springfield, Missouri at 4:00 pm on Wednesday.

We made ham sandwiches and with some other food items we had with us we had sort of a picnic in Don & Vicki's room Monday evening

At right is photo of the south wing of Chateau Girardeau.  Don & Vicki are on the first floor at the left of this photo, on the back side of the building.  The room we stayed in is at the west (Right) end of the wing on the fourth floor, last window to the right.

Couple photos of our place and one from the balcony looking north onto the parking lot.

We said our goodbyes about 9:30 yesterday morning to Don & Vicki.  Vicki was tearful and wanted us to stay.  Don was non-committal.
At left is photo of some of the cotton fields we drove by on the Delta Area at the south end of Missouri.  We also saw some rice fields.


At left is Jessica
in new dress
Phyllis made
for her.

At right, David
is in the free
T-shirt I got
when donating
blood last week.
Was the
smallest one
they had!

I will add something here--a bit unusual.  On Sunday the "check engine" light on the pickup came on.  Was on the rest of the day and Monday morning.  I took it in to the Chevrolet dealer, with it still on.  Waited about 20 minutes to get into the shop to line up them looking at it, and as I stopped by the gal with the clipboard--the light went out.  Go Figure!  And, it hasn't been on since.  At least it didn't cost anything.  Last time the "check engine" light was on it cost almost $200 to replace a sensor.

     Will try to post some the next few days.  Campers are coming in hot and heavy today and looks like might be a good sized group.  Think they can handle something between 200 and 300 RV units here.  The three days of entertainment starts tomorrow.

Thought For The Day – When I look in the mirror and see the gray hair the wrinkles and the sagging skin, I think they sure don’t make mirrors like they used to!


Monday, September 16, 2024

Visiting with brother Don & his wife Vicki

 83 degrees with super-bright sunshine - would guess 95 or above in the sunlight here in Cape Girardeau, MO at 3:00 pm on Monday.

After eating lunch at Chick-Fil-A today Vicki & Phyllis did some shopping at Walmart in Jackson, MO.

Took Don & Vicki to dentist office close to where they live for teeth cleaning earlier this morning.

Last evening, after eating with Don & Vicki at their table in the Assisted-Living dining area, we played dominoes.

The nurse took photo of all of us last evening in the Dining area.

Caught these two photos from when we were touring a cave, I think in Arkansas, when on a bus trip with Patty & Rick Steckelberg, at least 20 years or more ago.

Though this picture does not look like any buildings or cribs from the 1950's when I was a kid in Nebraska, it did bring back memories of that time.

We plan on heading west to our trailer at Starvy Creek Campground tomorrow.


Sunday, September 15, 2024

In Cape

 In Cape Girardeau, MO.

Left our trailer in campground at Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival near Conway, MO on Saturday morning and drove the 270 miles to Cape.

We have a room in the Chateau Girardeau where my brother Don & his wife Vicki live in their Assisted Living apartment.

Mike & Mary Jo Diamond, Don & Vicki, and Phyllis & I went to the Cape Girardeau Country Club last evening for supper and a good visit.  With the regional fair in progress here in town (and a lot of vehicles there as we drove by) we were the only guests there.

After eating we returned to Don & Vicki's apartment and Mike & Mary Jo stopped by with ice cream treats.  Their son owns an ice cream store here in town and has only made-in-the-store ice cream and it delicious.                                          

On Friday, after arriving at Starvy Creek, we set up the trailer and then got our spot for the Festival by leaving chairs near the stage.  A lot were already there.
Have a level spot with both electricity and water and are not too far walking to the stage area.

Will write more later,
L Carroll

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Carol Burnett

 Click HERE for YouTube on Carol Burnett

Click HERE for another good video

Click HERE  for another good one

Click HERE for some Mamma's Family

Click HERE  for some Tim Conway's bloopers

Off for Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival

 85 degrees with sunshine here in Clarinda, IA at 3:45 pm Wednesday.

Haven't written in the blog for a while.  Not doing a lot.

With some cooler weather the lawn has 'slowed down"

a bit and once-a-week mowing handles it.  (In spite of what was said above, it is now 1:30 pm Thursday and is 83º and muggy here.  I had intended to mow the lawn today, but it isn't tall enough to do any good.  Hope the 10-day absence won't let it get too tall.

Final loading of the trailer today.  Will be gone 10 days and since not too long until we head south are packing some things that will remain in the trailer and back of the pickup until we get to The Rio Grande Valley in late October.

These flowers had gotten really tall over the summer and were leaning way out of the area they are planted in.. Pulled them back and anchored them so they can re-seed within the area.

Have posted several pictures during the summer of these flower pots. The "bloom" is gone.

A month or so ago picture of these flowers.

Last Sunday was first day of the season for Sunday School and one of the Women's Circles of the church provided a brunch after the early service.  Lots of good food, especially various egg casseroles.

Couple pictures of some of the vegetables friends have given us this summer. Tomatoes and (below) Zucchini.

I changed out the water heater rod which is covered with an anode material to help protect the metal of the tank in the trailer.

You can see the amount eaten away at left.  Below shows the calcium sediment I flushed out of the tank before replacing it.

Hope I can get some good WIFI while we are gone and can post updates.  10-day weather forecast for Conway, MO shows chances of rain about every day we will be there with high temperatures in the mid to upper 80's.

Later, Lynn

First Day of September Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival 2024

 83º here at Starvy Creek at 10 am on Friday with bright sunshine and forecast of 94º later today. This photo was posted on Starvy Creek Blu...