Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Working on the trailer

 Is 87 degrees and quite humid here in Clarinda, IA at 2:25 pm Tuesday.  Rained quite a bit through the night, but most of the rain today is slipping to the north for now so just humid and heavy overcast.

Last week I put a coat of wax, actually a ceramic coat on part of the trailer.  Worked on it 3 or 4 times, just doing a section at a time.

This week I finished
covering the spots
I had left.

Have been occasionally having some

moisture in the shower area of the

trailer.  I put up these dry paper

towels to see where the moisture

was coming down.

Well, yesterday's rain made the towel in the very center wet............so I took down the lower bubble.  You can see where some blocks were out of the Styrofoam that is between the ceiling and the roof.  I have removed the lower bubble several times and where the screws went into just the thin plywood they were barely holding.  So I glued and screwed in blocks of wood above each of those places to give the screws a better hold.

While I had the lower bubble off, I spray painted the bottom of the top bubble with a Plastic okayed white paint.  This will let some diffused light in, but cut out a lot of the heat of direct sun.

This is showing from the top.

The area on top at the corner was very rough, with both tape and older rubber caulk which I was hesitant to remove. So this morning I went on the top and put several layers of the heavy rubber tape across the back and the side of the top bubble completely covering that corner..

Since the tape came to the very edge of the trailer and the tape isn't the best on the black corner, I covered it with an aluminum angle iron screwed into side of the roof to hold the tape from liftin when going down the road.  Hope this takes care of everything.......................

Today is the nineth day of a 27-day trip for Cam and Pat in the Netherlands.  We have been getting nearly daily notes with a few pictures from them. So far that have been in England -- just for 90 minutes between planes, Sweden, Finland and Estonia.  They are having a good time.

Till Next Time -- L Carroll

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