Saturday, July 13, 2024

Rain at Starvy Creek Campground

78 degrees at 9:30 am on Saturday morning here in Starvy Creek Campground near Conway, MO.  Light shower and radar shows will rain until about noon.  Performances are scheduled to start at noon, so might work out.  We woke up to rain yesterday morning but it cleared off until about 2:30 pm when they had to ask people to leave because of lightning in area.  Everyone sits outside, though the entertainers have a little roof over them. 

  Was some showers then and we went to the trailer and cooked some lunch.  Returned about 45 minutes later and program went on until after 11 pm.  We were tired and didn't stay until the end. 

    Well, this is the last day of the music festival and neither of us feel sick, so think we will make it through the whole thing.  Won't have many photos as wifi through phone here isn't allowing me to do much with computer.  I have had a terrible week for one reason---my camera went south - when trying to turn it on the gears that extend the lens just grinds and won't fully open or close.  Is the third SLR camera I have worn out.  Had this one about 5 years and estimate took around 50,000 pictures so the lens was opened and closed a few times. Didn't have the time to order another.   Took photos and some videos with phone but quickly ran out of battery. 

For the last 8 or 10 years when we have attended any festival, or entertainment of any kind as far as that is concerned, I always ran the video on the camera, with the lens aimed down in a fannypack that I wore on the front.  This allowed the microphones to be exposed and it picked up all the sound.  When back to the computer I used the SD disk to run the files through a program and changed the video MP4 file to an audio MP3 file.  This reduced the file size to about a third and gave me a file I then transferred to flash drive and we listened over and over to them when driving the pickup.  We have listened many times to many programs from the past.  But, this time I could not do this.  The camera quit only the day before we left home and I hope to replace it before we go to the next gathering of any kind.


There are many groups on this show that are new to us and it has been very enjoyable.

                The ignition on the pickup was turned off last Monday about 3 pm when we got back from Springfield and has not been turned on since.  With no money being spent for gas, and our "hotel " being only $15 per night is an inexpensive week.  Plan to hook up to the trailer tomorrow (Sunday) morning and pull to Cape Camping in Cape Girardeau, MO.  Will be there until Wednesday morning, giving us several days to visit with brother Don and his wife Vicki.

Later, Lynn


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