Saturday, July 20, 2024

Little rainy in southwest Iowa

 73 degrees with overcast-raining off & on here in Clarinda, IA at 5:30 pm.  Dumped 2 tenth of an inch and 5 Japanese beetles out of the rain gauge from overnight this morning.

Heard son Cameron a few minutes ago that he & his wife Patty landed in Cedar Rapids, after being in several countries in the Netherlands for the last four weeks. They saw a lot and did a lot in Norway, Sweden & other places.


Noticed a sag in the wooden deck -- it is 28 years old -- and thought maybe it needed some propping up.  Took enough boards off to see how it is, found that the 2" x 8" joists are on the ground, so aren't going to sag much further.
Put the boards back down

Looking through some old photos -- don't know what year this was, but the fall colors were really somethin.
Assume this photo of
our family, taken at the
farm where I grew up in
Custer County, Nebraska,
is some 50+ years old.

Later, Lynn

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First Day of September Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival 2024

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