Friday, January 5, 2024

Starting 2024

 54 degrees here in La Feria, TX at 7:30 pm Friday.  Been cool (for this area for several days)  Forecast for rain the next day or so.

Looks like I haven't posted since just before going to our New Years Eve get-together at the Rec Hall Sunday evening.  Went about 7:30 and back home around 9:30 pm.  Lot of visiting and lot of variety of good food, even if we didn't stay awake for the "New Year"

This Tuesday morning we had 4 teams at the Shuffleboard Court.  Was the last day for Cody Haar to play as he is leaving tomorrow morning (Saturday) for his home near Aberdeen, SD.

He really enjoyed winning a game (is a special needs 32 year old) and was in great humor.  He played his last Bean Bag Baseball with us last night, got some good and some bad throws in.  His nephew, Gabriel, flew in to Harlingen and will accompany him back to Aberdeen tomorrow.

Had a good turnout at Men & Women of A-Chord barbershop practice on Tuesday.  I have helped line up everyone coming next Tuesday in our performance uniforms and will have pictures taken so can get a new one for our posters to be taken to the parks where we perform soon.

Tentative line-up for our standing on the risers.

Worked on cleaning and then put on leather conditioner on a couple of my leather vests.

We took our second batch of crushed aluminum cans to the iron yard yesterday.  I crush them to make them about a fourth of their original size and we get a little money back for the Park Association from all the cans that many residents leave in a plastic garbage can I have out front by the street.

Had a fairly small turnout, about 20, for our Pot-Luck supper Wednesday evening, but a fantastic variety of delicious food!

I ran across several photos taken February of 2012, the first year we were here at our Mobile Home.  As you can see, it had a deck where I later built the Sun Room (Texas Room).

Well, caught up with our activities a little.  Not running air conditioning like we have some years at this time.  To be in the upper 40's here in the morning.

Till later, Lynn

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