Thursday, January 18, 2024

Freeze in the Rio Grande Valley

 60 degrees with bright sunshine here in La Feria, TX at 10:00 am Thursday.  First day without the cold north wind.

Covered a couple of the new plants we just planted in November before the freeze.  We were down to 26 degrees for 6 hours one night and to 23 for four hours one night.
May have saved it, will need to wait for several days to see.

Maybe the big thing about this period is that I came down with what I guess is called the Texas Crud!  For nearly a week I never got more than 20 feet from the house.  Severe head, throat, and chest cold.  Went from chills to sweats to chills to sweats, etc., etc.  Don't know how many buckets of gunk I got spit up out of my head and chest.  Missed singing in church choir on Sunday, missed barbershop practice on Tuesday, finally went out to pot luck supper at rec hall on Wednesday and then to church choir practice afterwards.  I may live.

Speaking of living, got word from cousin Donna French Wieting, Jensen last night that her sister Betty is on hospice up in Michigan.  Betty is 94 years old and has been suffering from Alzheimer's for some time.  She had a stroke some 10 days ago and is not eating or drinking and has family member with her day and night.  Prayers for both Betty and her family and Donna and her family.

The new (this last summer) mobile home beside us has a gentleman that works for John Deere.  He had a load of lawnmowers with him overnight and they have some of the new "airless" tires.  Hadn't seen them on a lawnmower before.

Phyllis went ahead with helping the breakfast for about 25 people Saturday morning.

And then she helped with the program of the Cowboy Church Saturday morning at 9:30 am.

As cold as we got here, was nothing like up north in Iowa.  At our son's near Iowa City, they had something over 20" of now and temperatures in the minus 20's with "feel like" of as low as minus 48 that I caught on my weather app about 3 o'clock one morning when I was up about 3 am.

Will see what the next few days bring.  As I type this Phyllis is heading up the quilting ladies at the Rec Hall until 11:30 am.

Later, Lynn

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

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