Sunday, January 14, 2024

Really cold "Up North" and gonna get kind of cold here in the "south"

 77 degrees and bright sunshine here in La Feria, TX at Noon, Sunday.  Predicted to be below freezing for some 4 hours next Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.  When I was awake in the middle of the night I looked at a weather app that reported Marengo, Iowa at -23 degrees with "feel like-with wind) of -48 degrees!  And was nearly as cold in Clarinda, IA

Hadn't realized I haven't been on here for some time.  Seems like we are always on the run.  Got official photograph taken of the Men & Women of A-Chord barbershop group last Tuesday so have made and had printed posters for our schedule and for putting up at the RV Parks where we will perform.

Went to Trail's End RV Park on Tuesday to hear Goldwing Express.  With Pop having cancer the other two boys stayed home in Branson and only Steve came down.  However, he enlisted help from Allen Sibley and the Restored band with CW Hollis.

Phyllis with Steve Baldridge -- headman of Goldwing Express

Above and at left -- some wood chipping to make a bowl with drill then wood chisel and hammer.  Over the last six weeks I occasionally spend five to ten minutes at a time working on it.  Don't know if I will get it finished this winter.

Below is some carving that is much more impressive than mine might be.

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

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