Monday, January 29, 2024

January of 2024 drawing to a close--in a few more days

 63 degrees at 6:45 pm Monday after a real nice weather day.  Kind of cool for our area, but good.

Yesterday afternoon our barbershop chorus performed at Llano Grande.  Did not have a very big crowd--some confusion over which of the two facilities they have at Llano Grande, seems like some local advertising had us at the big exhibition hall, but we were directed to the smaller rec hall at the other end of this huge park.  Their website says the have over 1100 spaces including RV's, mobile homes, park models, etc.

Since I was in the group, couldn't get picture of the chorus, but here are a few of the quartets that performed during the break in the program.

Saturday evening we performed at First Methodist Church in Mission, TX.  They had several TV monitors around the front of the church.  So, I asked the minister during the break if I could get a copy of the video to post on my YouTube page.  He said they never video anything because they don't want to violate any Copywrite Laws.  I tried to explain to him that as long as you didn't have advertising on your posted page it didn't matter, but he would have nothing to do with that.  Would have been an excellent chance to get full video--and we had a real good performance, too.

I took the photo above with my camera phone (I hate photos from cameras) while we were 

warming up.  Photo at left here shows that they had all different types of Teddy Bears at both ends of every pew.  A member said they were for the children.

Photo at right shows the big area we sang in.  Unfortunately we had less then 50 that attended, though our performance was about as good as it gets, especially for the first of the season.

Some of you may have noticed I had, for about 6 months, ads on my blog.  Many blogs that I follow have them.  But, they have many, many readers.  I usually have less than 5 readers to each post.  Anyhow, I think you get a penny each time anyone clicks on an ad.  They pay out at end of each month--if you have accumulated $50 or more.  I had the ads up nearly six months and accumulated $12.04.  I finally just had the whole thing cancelled.  Looks a lot better, hey?

Sunday morning we sang in the choir at First Methodist Church in Harlingen and I had one of the ladies take our pictures in our robes.

Couple of pics I took from the Choir area.

After church we grabbed a bite at Wendy's in Harlingen.  Pictured are Darlene (from Michigan) on the left and Linda Foote (from New Mexico) who is staying with us two weeks.

After choir in the morning - getting there at 8:30 am -, barbershop performance in the afternoon, Phyllis had charge of entertainment program at our par.  Mark Merchant, a Ventriloquist, put on a good show.   Did make a very long day.

Picked up Patty Steckelberg this afternoon from the Airport here in Harlingen.  She and Linda will be sharing a room until Feb 6th when Linda goes back to near Albuquerque, NM and Patty will stay until the end of February.

Back to McAllen tomorrow afternoon for barbershop practice.  A 70 mile roundtrip.

      Later, Lynn

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