Monday, August 21, 2023

Yes, it is hot in SouthWest Iowa

 92º with "feel like" of 115º here in Clarinda at 1:00 pm Monday.

Depending on which weather place you look at, the temp and the "feel like" are a little different.  However, they are definitely different from the cool weather we were experiencing last week.

Picture at left was a few days ago in the shop.  Was starting to clear area to move many 1/8" plywood sheets 16" x 24" to.

This is the area those small plywood sheets were transferred to in 2009 after we had built the shop building.

At left is after I had moved many of the sheets to the shelf.  Then, I noticed it was sagging a bit, so I am now in process of moving them over to the left and back towards the wall, where the shelf is supported and also a post support under the shelf is about three feet from the wall

The shelf on west wall completely removed and most of the plywood pieces removed.  Discovered my brother Don's wooden 4-H chest underneath.  He had made it during high school in the 1950's and hadn't had a place for it so we had it for nearly 40 years on the farm and another 13 years here in town.  Am wondering what we will find inside it.

One day I washed the front of the travel trailer and waxed it
Another day I put diluted bleach into the fresh-water tank of the travel trailer and filled it, then pulled the mixture though all the water faucets in the trailer; drained it, refilled it and then again pulled the fresh water through all the water faucets.  Will let it sit a while before draining most of it just before we pull it to Marengo at the end of September.
Drained and flushed out the hot water heater.  Though the anode coating over the heating element is eaten away, it still has some life in it.

Hoping it will cool off a bit.

More another time, LC

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