Friday, August 25, 2023

One last day (I hope) of hot weather


Several studies have discovered that mules, a hybrid of a female horse and male donkey, are considerably smarter than either of their parents. Perhaps this explains the story of the Bodie mule, “Old Tom.”

Bodie miners called Tom “the educated mule,” claiming he could count and tell time. According to the tales, Tom would be loaded up with six cars of ore and was ready to start out for the stamp mill after the sixth click. But apparently, sometimes miners tried to add one more car. If Tom heard a seventh click, he refused to move. Miners also claimed that Tom would quit working when he heard the noon and quitting time whistles.

Early 1900s photo of mules pulling cars out of the Bulwer Tunnel is courtesy of the Mono County Historical Society. Two women are visible, which may mean it was near quitting time for the shift as family members often would wait outside the tunnel to meet their husbands and fathers.


Well, it is cooling, a bit.  Only 94º with "feel like" of 103º at 1:10 pm on Friday.  To be cooler tomorrow, I guess.
I mentioned in last blog about discovering a wooden chest in our work shop and wondering what was in it.  Proved out to be papers from our sign shop, personal papers, and sister Louise's papers from back to 2004 though 2008.  Since they are no longer important for tax purposes, am now in process of destroying them.

Not much going on...........till another time, LC

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