Monday, June 27, 2022

Good time at Wahoo Music Show

 75 degrees with sunshine here in Clarinda, IA at 10:40 am Monday.

Had a good week at the Wahoo Music Festival. Had nearly 50 acts, singles, doubles and families, performing.  On Friday and Saturday they ran 3 stages continually, most with 1/2 hour breaks, several with hour sessions.  That was from 9 am until midnight.  We didn't stay for the late ones.

Mother Carrie & Elijah Baker
Carina & Trustin Baker

The Baker Family, from Birch Tree, MO, performed four one-hour shows and we watched all of them.  Phyllis visited with the Mom & Dad, as she has worked with them in booking shows in Kenwood in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Closing their last set, Carina did a very fast, energetic jig.

And, below, even though Elijah is over 6' tall he is still doing his "stand on the bass" stint that he started when he was a little kid.  Did it only once during the whole weekend, though.

Linda Burton, from Bethany, MO, here with Justin Trevino, from Brady, TX.

Though Justin is blind, he is friend of everyone and sings very well and plays violin mostly, with some guitar thrown in.  He runs his own recording studio and made a CD with Sharon Kenaston in Brady, which was just released and we have a copy.

Jacob Austin can really play the mandolin, but this 33 year old "kid" has some peculiarities. 

His Dad does sound work, and both his Mom & Dad play with his band.

Jayden had boundless
energy and insisted on
dancing around the floor,
finally Momma carried her.
We became acquitted with Mary Channer-Paul many years ago when she called some square dance and rounds with John Orlowski in northeast Nebraska.

Mary still sings, both alone and with daughter Molly Magill.  Molly's two youngsters had a lot of energy and kept both Molly, her husband, Mary and her husband running after them.'

Listened to couple of her 1/2 hour sessions as well as some with Molly..

Terry Smith, from Nashville, TN, another of our favorites, had three 1-hour sessions and one 1/2 hour, all of which we attended.  Here he has Venessa Kenaston, from Springview, NE, playing the doghouse bass, Johnny Button from England, set a speed record according to the Guinness book of records for the most "picks" per minute - 260 beats per minute Click HERE  Mike Mitchel, from Nashville, TN is on drums and Roger Kenaston on rhythm guitar. 

Couple of youngsters (in their 30's) dressed like hippies, from Nashville.  Played good music, but seemed to be in their own world.

2nd day they were a little toned-down in dress.

Three-year old Barrett Magill sang one song with his mommy, Molly Magill, and grandma Mary Channer-Paul in one of their sets.

Main building - stage #

Second indoor building - Stage #2

Only outdoor stage - #1

Lot more photos, and some 25 hours of video to go through, convert most of it to MP3 so can put on Flash Drive to listen to in pickup.

All the grilling, etc. was done outdoors,  Had a good crew that worked the kitchen.  Phyllis visited with the lady who said they all have full-time jobs, and just do this cooking for the Wahoo Music Show and the Mead Days the week before at Mead, NE.  They started with breakfast serving before 7 am and closed the window at 9:30 at night!

We enjoyed the week.  Weather was descent, though had a scare about a storm with hail coming through one night, but it did not materialize at Wahoo.

Got back to Clarinda before 2 pm Sunday after shopping at Aldi's and Sam's in Council Bluffs.  Not a lot scheduled for this week.

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