Sunday, May 15, 2022

Clarinda, Iowa

 61º with overcast skies at 9:20 am Sunday.  Received 1" of rain late last evening and overnight.

Went out in garage to start the pickup to go to church this morning and dead battery.  Not only that, abut after trying to start the engine the headlights came on, albeit dim, and then they would not go off no matter how the light switch was turned.  They finally timed out and went off while I was getting my battery charger to hook up.  Strange.  Though there was lightning storm last night, can't imagine how that would affect the pickup sitting inside the garage.  Battery was bought new just in January this year when we were in the Valley.

The Peony bed just off the deck on April 22nd.  These were transplanted two years ago from our front yard on the east side close to the street.

Last two photos are of the same Peony bed, but on May 11th.  They will be blooming soon.   One of the new Lilac bushes can be seen in the one photo through the heart-shaped "ringer" below.

A couple pictures of when we were in Cape Girardeau last weekend.

This is the front entrance to  The Chateau Girardeau.  Click HERE for website.

The old Lilac bush is in full bloom.  We planted two new Lilac bushes in line with the Iris's that are just off the deck.  They are barely seen in the photos above--mostly the protecting stakes around them.

See y'all  LC

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