Thursday, May 5, 2022

Backstage tour of the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, TN

86º here in Columbia, TN at 3:15 pm Thursday.  Heavy overcast and rainstorms expected later this evening and overnight.  I worked on photos a while -- is now 3:37 pm and raining pretty heavy. To be spotty, according to the radar.  Well, really rained hard for a while.

Will post a few pictures from the last few days and then we are heading into Columbia.

Our photo, standing on the
wooden circle that came from the
center of the stage at the Ryman

Front of Grand Ole Opry building

About 1/3 of the guitars overhead as you
go from the front lobby to the seated area.

Several photos from the stage.
The tour took a little over an hour
and we got to see all the dressing rooms.
Also, saw several videos
of different eras of the Grand Ole Opry.

I don't know how many dressing rooms are back stage, but there are many. Our guide, Brandi, gave us a history and story on each one.

There are some photos Click HERE for a web page showing many photos.

Our tour guide, Brandi, telling
us about the entertainers entrance
on the back of the building.

This sitting area is near the dressing rooms.  Our guide told us that during the 2010 flood, the water was 4.5 feet high in that room.  It did not quite get to the floor of the stage, however.

She said that the Grand Ole Opry never missed a program during that period, but they performed in several other places for six weeks.

4:54 pm and still raining.
More later, Lynn

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