Monday, April 11, 2022

Snow, cool weather, warm weather

61º here in Clarinda, IA at 12:00 noon Sunday -- predicted high of 72º, but the clouds must go away for that to happen!  --  It did happen and was nice, sunny later in afternoon.  Is now 51º at 10:00 am Monday with predicted high of 63º today.  Maybe will actually finish this post now!

Rode the trike yesterday afternoon, just one mile but it felt like I hadn't been on the trike for a month.  Oh yeah, that was the case.  With the new large grain bins being built by the Coop on what was once the ground of Clarinda Elevator where I worked from 1972 to 1974, I realized they could easily be seen from the high ground at the hospital parking lot on east side.

This is taken from same spot, but with telephoto on camera.

A new fuel tank was installed over the winter near the helicopter pad.

Surgery room construction, which started nearly a year ago, is still uncompleted.

The talk last summer, when this building was being constructed west of the hospital, that this building would be used by the helicopter crew.  It appears to be in use now, but the helicopter crew are still using the house just to the east of our house.  Lights are on in this building and someone is using it.


Therapy building being built by hospital to the east of the hospital building, doesn't have much activity.  Picture at right is taken from in front of our garage, looking to the east.  Photo below is taken from Fareway Grocery Store parking lot (where I was taking recyclables), looking to the west.

Yesterday afternoon I put in taller post for solar powered night light and the squirrel chaser thingy.  Couldn't put the light on the wall, as it would be out of the sunshine during much of the summer.

Saturday we drove to southwest Lincoln, NE and spent time with my oldest brother Roger, and his wife Carolyn.  Got a look at their "new" place that they moved into last fall.  Though they have a basement, all they need is on one floor.  After living in northwest Lincoln some 32 years, it is a change, but seems to be ideal for them at this time.

After enjoying steaks at Outback Steakhouse, we drove to their daughter Angie's place and had brief visit with her.  Her son Michael wasn't feeling well and was somewhat "housebound".   He came out to the back yard for a minute to say high, but I wasn't able to visit with him.  He was keeping distance from anyone to avoid passing whatever cold or such that was bothering him.

After we returned to Roger's their boy Keith and wife Becky with daughter Jessica came for a visit.  Hadn't seen them for several years and was good to visit.  Daughter Tiffany had a commitment that afternoon, so missed her.

The house Roger & Carolyn live in was previously lived in by Becky's mother, and Keith & Becky did a lot of help getting them moved last fall.
Roger & Carolyn's oldest daughter, Julie, came by for a bit and we got caught up on her life.  She started a new job late last year and she is enjoying that.

We are officially moved to this home---Phyllis hung the wind chimes up this morning that we take with us back and forth to our home in Texas.

Sang with the Methodist Church Choir here in Clarinda yesterday morning.  This photo was taken from the Facebook stream that they run.  I was out of camera range.

I was able to convert our one Special song to audio and send it to the other choir members.  This blog does support video, but not audio files.

This cold, white stuff greeted us Friday morning.  Though we had some "cool" weather this winter in south Texas, we didn't have this stuff.  It was melted by 9:30 or so in the morning.

Last Friday was Jim Whipple's 94th birthday and we visited a bit with him and his wife Evelyn.  She has had several strokes and isn't able to talk.  He is hard of hearing and seeing and spends most of his time on his electric scooter--has foot/ankle problems.  Their son, Jim, and his wife were there and got to visit with them.  They live down by Northboro, but he provides much of the transportation for his folks, mostly to doctors, etc.

Was able to visit, briefly, with our old friend Roberta Rarick in the nursing home.  When we moved to Clarinda in 1970, her husband, Maury, was my boss at the Dry Sausage plant where I worked in the office.  And, Roberta was our choir director at that time.  Maury has been gone several years, and Roberta, now in her early 90's, is failing mentally.  

At the intersection of Highways 71 and 2 there has been a car wash for many years.  However, when we returned this spring found that a drive-thru Coffee Shop is in its place.

GROANER'S CORNER:((  There was a woman who was pregnant with twins, and shortly before they were due, she had an accident and went into a coma. Her husband was away on business, and unable to be reached. While in the coma, she gave birth to her twins, and the only person around to name her children was her brother.  When the mother came out of her coma to find she had given birth and that her brother had named the twins, she became very worried, because he wasn't a very bright guy. She was sure he had named them something absurd or stupid.  When she saw her brother she asked him about the twins.

He said, "The first one was a girl."
The mother: "What did you name her?!?"
Brother: "Denise!"
The Mom: "Oh, wow, that's not bad! What about the second one?"
Brother: "The second one was a boy."
The Mom: "Oh, and what did you name him?"
Brother: "Denephew."


Employer: "We need someone responsible for this job."  Applicant: "Sir your search ends here! In my previous job whenever something went wrong, everybody said I was responsible."


More later, Lynn

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