Saturday, April 30, 2022

Rhonda Vincent and Gene Watson yesterday, plus many others

8:30 am - 59 degrees near Lincolnton, GA.  Having a great time with 3 new bands each day performing twice, plus Little Roy & Lizzy performing twice a day and interacting with many of the other performers.


Rhonda Vincent's daughter performs with Little Roy & Lizzy.

Would guess something around 400 or more at the tent yesterday afternoon when we saw/heard Midnight Run, The Tennessee Bluegrass Band, Little Roy & Lizzy,  Rhonda Vincent, and later Gene Watson. 

Rhonda Vincent and
Gene Watson

Rhonda had two great shows, plus 
performing a bit with Gene Watson

Little Roy loves to clown.

Rhonda recently became a grandma,
so Little Roy was playing "grandkid"

With warm weather, t-shirt & short pants

Hoping to pull out tomorrow (Sunday) morning around 6 am.

Later, Lynn 

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