Friday, April 29, 2022

Good music in Georgia

 48 degrees this morning at 7:30 am with predicted high of 78 degrees and sunshine.

Phyllis spent time with this vendor, visiting Wednesday evening and then yesterday morning getting a few things.  Had some real leather purses that caught her attention.

Think one of these 3-flower thingies will brighten up our mobile home in Texas!

All those purses!

This shows the big tent all the music takes place in.  I would guess around 250 to 300 people nearly filled it yesterday.

The original Lewis Family Bus from the 1940's or 1950's.  They have been involved with music for many years.

One of Little Roy Lewis' early cars.

Another car Little Roy drives.

Spent yesterday listening to The Kody Norris show, Danny Paisley & the Southern Grass, High Fidelity, The Little Roy & Lizzy Show and Lorraine Jordan & Carolina Road.  They had a break at 4:30 pm and then all repeated.

Was an enjoyable day.  A totally different group of bands, except Little Roy & Lizzy, will be heard today.

Full two days, today and Saturday, 11 am to 10 pm.

Hoping to leave by 6 am Sunday to drive some 325 miles and get to a 2 pm concert by Bradley Walker in Athens, Alabama.

Later - LC

1 comment:

  1. love the purses - did you get one of each color?


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