Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Cold and rainy in Clarinda - 4-20-22

 48 º with heavy overcast and forecast of spotty rain most of the day, here at 11:30 am on Wednesday.

Realized I had not pulled some photos into my regular file - so will catch up here:

One day last week we met Lyn Sliger in Griswold for supper and a visit.  Her husband, Cork, passed away February 25, 2022 while we were still in Texas.  Phyllis always thought of Cork as her "brother" as Cork stayed at Phyllis' folks place while he completed his Senior year in Clarinda after his folks moved to Kansas City when Bob took a trucking job, leaving the farm.

Had a good visit.

Have to include this photo.  First time we had been to "Dusty's Place" and other then the sign on the pole, the front looks for all the world like an entrance to a rest stop.  Was a real good place inside with good food.

We have one Ash tree and I have been treating it with a liquid that goes down to the roots and then up through the tree to repel or kill the Emerald Ash Borer.  Got that done again this year and it rained a few days afterwards, so it soaked down towards the roots.
Seems like there are quite a lot of small branches and twigs from the trees in our yard.  Leaves haven't really started out, with all the cool weather, and the wind is still loosening up the twigs, etc.

This is under the tree at the northwest corner of our place (house in background is neighbors Bob & Carol Brown).  This willow-type tree always looses a lot of small stuff.

Our daughter, Michelle, gave/or/loaned me this book some time ago.  It is written about the World War that ended in 1918 and was written in 1919.   Gives an interesting perspective to it.  Anyway, I finally am getting around to reading it.

:(( McQuillan walked into a bar and ordered martini after martini, each time removing the olives and placing them in a jar. When the jar was filled with olives and all the drinks consumed, the Irishman started to leave.  "S'cuse me," said a customer, who was puzzled over what McQuillan had done. "What was that all about?"  "Nothing," said the Irishman, "my wife just sent me out for a jar of olives."


 Later, Lynn

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