Saturday, April 30, 2022

Rhonda Vincent and Gene Watson yesterday, plus many others

8:30 am - 59 degrees near Lincolnton, GA.  Having a great time with 3 new bands each day performing twice, plus Little Roy & Lizzy performing twice a day and interacting with many of the other performers.


Rhonda Vincent's daughter performs with Little Roy & Lizzy.

Would guess something around 400 or more at the tent yesterday afternoon when we saw/heard Midnight Run, The Tennessee Bluegrass Band, Little Roy & Lizzy,  Rhonda Vincent, and later Gene Watson. 

Rhonda Vincent and
Gene Watson

Rhonda had two great shows, plus 
performing a bit with Gene Watson

Little Roy loves to clown.

Rhonda recently became a grandma,
so Little Roy was playing "grandkid"

With warm weather, t-shirt & short pants

Hoping to pull out tomorrow (Sunday) morning around 6 am.

Later, Lynn 

Friday, April 29, 2022

Good music in Georgia

 48 degrees this morning at 7:30 am with predicted high of 78 degrees and sunshine.

Phyllis spent time with this vendor, visiting Wednesday evening and then yesterday morning getting a few things.  Had some real leather purses that caught her attention.

Think one of these 3-flower thingies will brighten up our mobile home in Texas!

All those purses!

This shows the big tent all the music takes place in.  I would guess around 250 to 300 people nearly filled it yesterday.

The original Lewis Family Bus from the 1940's or 1950's.  They have been involved with music for many years.

One of Little Roy Lewis' early cars.

Another car Little Roy drives.

Spent yesterday listening to The Kody Norris show, Danny Paisley & the Southern Grass, High Fidelity, The Little Roy & Lizzy Show and Lorraine Jordan & Carolina Road.  They had a break at 4:30 pm and then all repeated.

Was an enjoyable day.  A totally different group of bands, except Little Roy & Lizzy, will be heard today.

Full two days, today and Saturday, 11 am to 10 pm.

Hoping to leave by 6 am Sunday to drive some 325 miles and get to a 2 pm concert by Bradley Walker in Athens, Alabama.

Later - LC

Thursday, April 28, 2022

At the 10th Annual Little Roy & Lizzy Music Festival - Lincolnton, Georgia

 48 degrees here near Lincolnton, Georgia at 7:48 am on Thursday.  Predicted high for today is 79 degrees with bright sunshine.

Spent Tuesday evening at Hard Labor State Park near Rutledge, GA and got up early yesterday morning, dumped tanks and topped off the fresh water tank, as we thought we would not have water here at Lincolnton.  Turns out they just installed water lines a couple days ago, so we do.  (As a side-note, we are on a bit of a slope and down the hill there was a lot of mud and standing water.  Were told that a few days ago the waterline was installed and tested for a bit with no leaks found.  So they left the water turned on overnight.   Next morning their meter showed they had used 180,000 gallons of water overnight and there was a leak part way down the hill.  It was found and fixed so water works, but won't be parking any trailers on lower part of the hill.  We are parked opposite direction of many motorhomes and trailers that are really close together.  We won't have any trailers beside us, though have one behind us.

Anyway, we left Clarinda last Friday about noon and parked at Sudbury Motel & RV Park in Marengo, IA that afternoon.  Spent the evening with granddaughter Ashley and her family - husband Heath, and 1-year old David and 5-year old Jessica.

 After visiting with them at their house, we went to eat at the Mall of Williamsburg.

Saturday morning we went to Cam's and then he rode with us to Vinton, Iowa where Phyllis left her sewing machine for repairs.  We drove around Vinton a bit and then ate lunch at the Pizza Ranch there.

Cam and I walked around the railroad depot there in Vinton.  It is now a museum, but was not open to the public when we were there.

We drove the grounds of the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School there in Vinton.  It was the school that Mary Ingalls went to - CLICK HERE for info.

These photos are from Sunday afternoon with the antics of the young ones.  Always enjoy our time, though it is limited, with the family.

David is just a little over one year old, and is quite active and attentive.

Sunday the weather was nice and Cam fixed some brats and hot dogs on the grill.  Jessica and I batted a volley-ball around and David even got involved.

We left Marengo Sunday afternoon, spent overnight at Canton, Missouri, and was in Cape Girardeau early enough that we picked up Don & Vicki before noon and took them out to eat. We drove to Jackson, MO for Vicki to do some banking business and then spent the afternoon with them in their apartment.  For supper we took them out to Chic-Fil A and spent the evening with them.  Above photo is Vici & Phyllis finishing up a jigsaw puzzle that was on the card table--then we use the table to play some Chicken Foot Dominoes.

We left them about 8:30, returning to our trailer at Cape Camping.  Was up early on Tuesday and left Cape before 8 am and drove some 518 miles to a Georgia State Park - Hard Labor State Park.  They didn't put us to work and I haven't researched why the name.  Got there before dark and left early yesterday morning.  

Looking forward to a great bunch of entertainment over the next few days.  
Click any photo to enlarge.

Later, Lynn

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Cold and rainy in Clarinda - 4-20-22

 48 º with heavy overcast and forecast of spotty rain most of the day, here at 11:30 am on Wednesday.

Realized I had not pulled some photos into my regular file - so will catch up here:

One day last week we met Lyn Sliger in Griswold for supper and a visit.  Her husband, Cork, passed away February 25, 2022 while we were still in Texas.  Phyllis always thought of Cork as her "brother" as Cork stayed at Phyllis' folks place while he completed his Senior year in Clarinda after his folks moved to Kansas City when Bob took a trucking job, leaving the farm.

Had a good visit.

Have to include this photo.  First time we had been to "Dusty's Place" and other then the sign on the pole, the front looks for all the world like an entrance to a rest stop.  Was a real good place inside with good food.

We have one Ash tree and I have been treating it with a liquid that goes down to the roots and then up through the tree to repel or kill the Emerald Ash Borer.  Got that done again this year and it rained a few days afterwards, so it soaked down towards the roots.
Seems like there are quite a lot of small branches and twigs from the trees in our yard.  Leaves haven't really started out, with all the cool weather, and the wind is still loosening up the twigs, etc.

This is under the tree at the northwest corner of our place (house in background is neighbors Bob & Carol Brown).  This willow-type tree always looses a lot of small stuff.

Our daughter, Michelle, gave/or/loaned me this book some time ago.  It is written about the World War that ended in 1918 and was written in 1919.   Gives an interesting perspective to it.  Anyway, I finally am getting around to reading it.

:(( McQuillan walked into a bar and ordered martini after martini, each time removing the olives and placing them in a jar. When the jar was filled with olives and all the drinks consumed, the Irishman started to leave.  "S'cuse me," said a customer, who was puzzled over what McQuillan had done. "What was that all about?"  "Nothing," said the Irishman, "my wife just sent me out for a jar of olives."


 Later, Lynn

Monday, April 18, 2022

Snow on Easter Sunday in Clarinda, IA

 35 degrees here in Clarinda, IA at 9:30 am Monday.

When I posted yesterdays blog I was, as I am now, in the basement.  When I went upstairs this is what I saw out the window:

It grew

into this.

And a little bit into this.

It kept up.

Until we got here.

It was all gone within a couple hours--the air temperature never go below 38 degrees.

Phyllis' sister Beth and her husband, Steve, were at our house for supper last night.  She got instructions on watering Phyllis' flowers for the next couple weeks.

A sneak-peak of our travels over the next several weeks: 

:((   You’ve Been Drinking Too Much Coffee When…. 

Your eyes stay open when you sneeze. 

You can take a picture of yourself from ten feet away without using the timer. 

You lick your coffeepot clean. 

You go to AA meetings just for the free coffee. 

You’ve built a miniature city out of little plastic stirrers.

People get dizzy just watching you. 

Instant coffee takes too long. 

You want to be cremated just so you can spend the rest of eternity in a coffee can. You go to sleep just so you can wake up and smell the coffee. 

You’re offended when people use the word “brew” to mean beer. 

You name your cats “Cream” and “Sugar.” You get drunk just so you can sober up. Your lips are permanently stuck in the sipping position. 

You can outlast the Energizer bunny. 

You don’t even wait for the water to boil anymore. 

You introduce your spouse as your “Coffee-mate.” 

You think CPR stands for “Coffee Provides Resuscitation.


Later, Lynn

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...