Saturday, July 17, 2021


 77º here in Clarinda with heavy overcast at 11:05 am Saturday.. 

Cottonwood seeds have filled the air for the last week, making allergies terrible and looking like snow here.

Spent an enjoyable day at Harold & LaRhoda Neher's place near Hiawatha, KS yesterday.  She always has the best meals, and we played some 7 or 8 games of Pegs & Jokers after lunch.

Usually have my camera out at least once while we eat or play P&J, but guess I didn't this time.  This photo was shot out the window as we drove away.

Thursday evening we went to
Phil & Deb Tornholm's place and played
Pegs & Jokers with them and Marty & Marla Mattes.

Tuesday evening Leland & Bonnie Brown came to our place for Spaghetti and we caught up on a year's absence of visiting.

With trees removed and parking lot made on west side of neighbor driveway that comes over towards us, really opens things up.

Rotating crews of the helicopter service use this.
This is seen from coming up the exit to the hospital employee parking lot just to the south and east of our place.
Cement has been poured for new building west of hospital/south of maintenance building for some time.

They started with the steel work on the 14th.

By that evening they had framing all done.

These two photos taken this morning.  Supposedly, the helicopter crew will move into this building.

Till another time - Lynn

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