Tuesday, June 29, 2021

(TWTWTW) That Was The Week That Was

 75º here in Clarinda, IA at 10:45 am Tuesday.  Had a fun week last week.  About time I bring you up to date on our activities.  Left Tuesday morning with the trailer and drove to Wahoo, NE (north of Lincoln).  After setting up the trailer we called my niece Julie and made a date to eat supper with her at Honest Abe's BBQ.  We did some shopping first.

Got a pile of yarn at Jo-Ann Fabrics.

Honest Abe BBQ specializes in hamburgers.  Had a good supper and maybe a couple hour visit with my niece Julie Miles.  Hadn't seen her since we visited with her in 2019 when we were attending the Wahoo Country Music Festival then.

Lots of entertainers at Wahoo.  We could only stay Tuesday evening through Friday at 5:00 pm when we headed the about 200 miles on west to Callaway

Had very hard rain during the night Tuesday/Wednesday and heard that they measured a little over 1.5" from that storm.

A lot of RV's there at the Saunders County Fairground.

We really enjoyed Justin Trevino from Brady, Texas.  He made a CD recently with Sharon Kenaston.  Justin has been blind since birth, but other than someone having to lead him onto and off the stage, he performs just great.

Terry Smith doing his hilarious version of "Bitter".

The Kenaston family had many
of their members there that day
that we had not heard.  This is
Venassa's granddaughter.
Was only able to see/hear one session with the Baker Family, who we have been following for several years.

Left Wahoo at 5 pm Friday, driving due west.  Ran through terribly hard rain in the St. Paul, NE vicinity.  Got to Callaway and the Lynn & Sharleen Stivers place about 8:35 pm where we parked the trailer.

Nine of the CHS Class of 1961 rode on a float in the Pioneer Picnic Parade late Saturday morning.

We gathered at the Senior Center near the center of town for lunch.  We had 30 graduating and 12 of those are now deceased.  We had 13 show up, plus one lady who was with the class until her junior year and she always comes back for the reunions.

We visited at the Senior Center until around 4 pm.  Then, gathered at the High School for a catered supper before gathering in the Auditorium for the "All School Reunion" program.  At right are the 10 of us who showed up for 1961 class.  We visited more with several classmates at the street dance afterward.

Sunday morning we visited briefly with Lynn & Sharleen Stivers where we had parked the trailer, and left about 9:30 am.

We stopped for an hour or so at Off Broadway Assisted and Independent Living in Broken Bow and visited with Don Ferguson, who had lived on his farm near Ansley, and was a neighbor of ours in Kenwood RV Park in Texas.
Drove through another hard rain before getting to Grand Island, and stopped for some grocery shopping in Costco in Lincoln and got to our place in  Clarinda, IA by around 6:30 pm Sunday evening, driving about 300 miles from Callaway.

Until next time, Lynn

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Finally a little moisture along with the heat

84º with bright sunshine here in Clarinda, IA at 12:51 pm Sunday.  Rained much of the night and had about a half-inch this morning.  We have had many days in the 90's and one day reached 98º.

Cam & Pat came with Emmy yesterday for a visit and left this morning.

Besides visiting yesterday, we did play a few games of Pegs & Jokers last evening before eating supper here at our place.

 With three women against two men, would like to say the men won all three games-----but can't.  We came in second, though, in each game.

Last Sunday evening we went to the Cowboy Church on the Courthouse Square here in Clarinda where Sarah Davison (a native of the Clarinda/Braddyville area) had her group "High Road", along with her dad 

and two other men, perform.  They played a lot of great music, in the hot sun while the crowd were mostly in the shade under the trees near the Courthouse.  Her dad gave the sermon.


Last Saturday Patty Steckelberg came over and rode with us to a Square Dance at the Machine Shed north of Macksburg, IA.

Had a "Pot Luck" supper and then square dance with line dances.  We hadn't danced for many years, but enjoyed a few tips.

Last Tuesday we drove down to Hiawatha, Kansas for a visit (and great meal!) at Harold & LaRhoda Neher's place.  

Played a few games of Pegs & Jokers.

Getting the trailer ready for taking off Tuesday morning to Bluegrass Festival in Wahoo, NE and then on to Callaway, NE next Friday.

A man is at the funeral of an old friend. He tentatively approaches the deceased’s wife and asks whether he can say a word.                                                                               The widow nods. The man clears his throat and says, “Plethora.”                                                                                            The widow smiles appreciatively. “Thank you,” she says. “That means a lot.”

As an old sign maker, these caught my attention:

See ya - Lynn

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Summer day in Iowa

 78º here in Clarinda, IA at 10:30 am Saturday.  We missed out on any rain from the storm that went through the area yesterday.  Had been quite muggy and that has changed this morning.  Earlier this week had several days in upper 80's and at least one day in the lower 90's.

Nancy Tarrant-Schaurte and husband Jim just left our place heading for Omaha.  They liven in Florida, but have been on the road for several weeks.  They stayed overnight with us after driving to Clarinda from Chicago yesterday and went with us to J Bruner's in Clarinda for supper last night with several classmates of Phyllis' and Nancy's.

Phyllis, Nancy, Sherril & Bill Lisle

Chris Schlinder, Phyllis and Nancy

Nancy greeting Larry & Shira Bridie who came late and had already eaten.
Larry Bridie, Shira Bridie, Norm Schilb, and Jim Schaurte
Nancy Schaurte, Sherril & Bill Lisle, and Larry Bridie.

Waitress stood on a 
chair to take these
two photos.

Thursday evening we had eaten
at the local Mexican Restaurant.
This is Steve & Beth Gregory
Daughter-in-law Patty Miles also was there.


Getting trimmed

Been 8 weeks since we got home for the summer and I did the first trash burning at the farm Thursday.

They are once again pumping cement at the construction site for the new surgery room at the hospital across the road from us.  This photo was taken out our living room picture window.

Later, Lynn

Cold in the Valley

We are doing fine here in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.  A bit cool here - 41º now at 9:00 pm Sunday, in fact predicted to get down into t...