Sunday, December 13, 2020

December 13, 2020

 79º with overcast skies as I start this at 5:20 pm Sunday.  

Rode 10 miles on the trike this morning, some of it out of the park to the north where they poured more cement yesterday on one of the 8 units that are being built just 40 or 50 feet from the back of our house.

For some of you who are familiar with Kenwood, I took video while riding the streets.  You will see lot of green where the mobile RV's aren't here.  Many of the permanents are not occupied this year.  Video is HERE if you want to view.  None of the rental cabins have anyone in them.  At least 11 trailers (Travel trailers or 5th wheels) here are not occupied.  I suppose maybe almost half of the permanent ones like ours are empty.

Here are some still photos taken while making the video.

Terri & Charlie Serven, from western Illinois, came in a few days ago and Bob & Margaret Henning, from Missouri arrived here today.

Is now 6:50 pm -- wind changed a bit ago from being out of the south to now out of the north, temp has dropped to 73 degrees.  Wind has been in the 15-20 mph all day and still is.  Forecast is for 46º by morning with a high tomorrow of 62º.

Till another time - Lynn

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