Thursday, December 3, 2020

Cool windy day

 54º with a north-west wind blowing at 10:00 am this Thursday.  Bit chilly here in south Texas.

For the last 3 years I have been singing with the Barbershop Chorus Men of A-Chord here in the Rio Grande Valley.  Phyllis started singing with them last year.  We have had no practices account of the Covid and it is finally official now that we won't be getting together any this year and all our programs for January, February and March are cancelled.  Bummer!

Yesterday Phyllis and I went up to the Rec Hall and set up the tables for the first, of the season, quilting day.

Today the worked from 9 to about 11:30 am with total of four ladies.

Phyllis added another line of red lights (that we found back in the storage area of the Texas Room) to the stair rails and around the Pelican bird at the base of the stairs.

Spotted this Sugar Cane fire north of La Feria as we came home yesterday morning.

Since I got distracted since I started this, it is now 1:30 pm.  Is all the way up to 61º and 20 mph winds with gusts to 28 mph.  Have been riding between 9 and 11 miles each day on the recumbent trike, but a little cool with the wind this morning.

Take Care, Lynn

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