Sunday, June 14, 2020

Slow time

84º and mostly sunny here in Clarinda, IA at 12:30 pm Sunday.  

Having lunch on the deck

Some Juliet tomatoes showing up

Tree at Roger's really growing.

Last Tuesday we were in Lincoln and had lunch and a nice visit at my brother Roger's.  Hadn't seen them for a year.  He has returned to working some hours again at Sam's.

Had been having a lot of stuff tipped over on the deck out back.  Set out the trap and discovered this guy in it the next morning.  This city dweller is now a country dweller.
Beside the garage

This field is about a half-mile away.

Got the two Lilac seedlings planted.

These are really bright in the sun.

Not much going on and we are spending almost all our time around the house.

Later, Lynn

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