Saturday, June 27, 2020

Finally, some rain in Clarinda

76º with mostly overcast skies here in Clarinda, IA at 10:30 am Saturday.  Rode 5.35 miles on the recumbent trike this morning (hadn't ridden since the 6 miles last Sunday).   Had thunderstorm overnight and dumped just short of .9" of rain from the gauge this morning.  Recently there have been quite a few showers come through, but they have mostly missed us.   --  Click on photos to enlarge.

Have not used the commercial garbage service this summer (at $25 a month).  All sink garbage stored in air-tight plastic containers to be buried at the farm, doing all the recycling possible with newspapers, cardboard, plastics, glass and tin, and putting burnable stuff in plastic garbage bags.  Since we returned to this home the 2nd day of May have gone to the recycle bins several times, but have not burned anything yet.  Got a used oil barrel from someone in Bedford through friend Leland Brown  and have taken end off and drilled some holes, for intake of air, in sides of the barrel.  Will give it a test out on our farm one of these days.

Last week got 2"X4" boards and some plywood from construction dumpster

and this last Sunday found some more, as well as a dozen concrete pavers.

Took some more of the lower branches from under several of the smaller trees in the front yard, drug them behind the shop where I am chipping them with the loppers.  Takes some time, but they will deteriorate more quickly then throwing them over the hedge as complete branches.

We had leveled the condenser for the Air Conditioner early in May and the tile in front of them was just a little too high to be cleared by the lawn mower, so dug them down.

Had the A/C checked - added 1/2 pound of "stuff" and cleaned the fins.  Will have to clean the fins myself sometimes during the summer.  The bottom was full and the drain holes plugged.

The new front on the Fareway grocery store.  Been up a week and still no new lettering on it.  This is where I got the wood and concrete blocks from their construction dumpster.

These lilies, behind the shop,
are now blooming.

$1.949 - Gas price in Clarinda.  Jumped 20 cents a week or two ago.  We had bought at Sam's Club in Des Moines last weekend for $1.679.

Last weekend when we were at our Granddaughter Ashley's place for her daughter Jessica's birthday party, looked through a very nice book that Grandma Patty had made up of some of the home-schooling account the Covid-19,pictures through the couple months Jessica spent at her Grandpa & Grandma's house.  Really nice book and memories of that time.

I ordered a book of Facebook photos from 2010 through 2019 which we received a few days ago.  It has many of the photos I had posted.  During some of our travels had posted lot of photos over the years.  Am not posting photos on Facebook very often now, just here on my blog.

A week or so ago I caught the movie "Adrift'.  It
is a true story about a sailboat wreck in a Hurricane in 1983 when this couple were in process of delivering a 44' sailing yacht from Tahiti to San Diego.  Found it very interesting and, knowing more information is in the book than the movie, I ordered softbound copy of the book.  A very good read for anyone.

With the Kenwood RV Summer Rally in State Center, Iowa having been cancelled for this August, I have been working on putting together photos from each year we have attended the Rally, and sending e-mails to all those I can reach who have attended from 2010 until 2019 with links to my Google Photo Albums.  Has taken a lot of time, inasmuch as each photo, after getting from my old files, has to be cropped, straightened, brightened for color, and noted with year for each one.   Here are the ones I have gotten done so far. Click on the year -  2010  - 2011 - 2012 - 2014 - 2015 - 2018 - 2019
Quite nice to look back, especially the earlier years where several of the people no longer come to Kenwood, or to State Center.

Well, must get to work on the years 2016 and 2017.  We were on our 5.5 month tour throughout the southwest, west coast, northwest, back across the Dakotas and to Michigan and Ohio in 2013 for our 50th Wedding Anniversary year so did not attend that year.

Later, Lynn

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