Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June is here!

One month.  One month ago tonight we were unloading the pickup and trailer as we had just driven the almost 1,200 miles from our Texas home.  Lots done in that month, but just around the place.  Only venture out of town was last weekend when we spent time with the kids in Marengo, IA.  On the way through Des Moines coming back we made stops at Aldi's for groceries and at Costco.  Got some $1.549 gas at Costco, and of course, their fantastic all-beef foot-long hot-dogs and drinks - $3.14 tax included for the both of us!  Also picked up some other items.  At both places over 95% of the people were wearing face-masks, as we were, as recommended for the Covid-19.

The couple of rose bushes
in front of the house on the west
side, between the big green bushes,
are blooming.  Here are
a couple pictures.

The condenser to the air conditioner
was quite off-level, so
worked at it today.  Phyllis helped
me get some bricks placed underneath
to bring it back to level.

Last summer I ordered some Norway Spruce
through the Arbor Day Foundation and
they came Monday.  Got half of them
planted - two of them that will eventually
replace the tree near where planted.

Others will be planted in some milk
jugs, to replace any that die.

Will be around the place this week - go to Lincoln, NE next Tuesday as a final year-follow up on my heart surgery that was a year ago this Thursday.


1 comment:

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

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