Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Removing mullberry tree

As you can see, it is 52º at 11:20 am on Wednesday.  Forecast for rain through Sunday morning, though has not quite started here yet.

System is moving towards us from northeast Kansas.

 Yesterday was a hard day, on both of us.  Using the new 7' long pole Chain Saw we took down the Mulberry tree

Before cutting anything.

First cut of big branch

OSHA? I don't know any OSHA

The big branch above ladder is what I'm after

Branches mostly fell on hedge

One main tree down, smaller beside it next.
A place to stop
Though you may not be able to tell from the pictures---we took down a pretty good sized tree that was over the bank by about 6 feet and all the cutting had to be reached over some distance.  All but the big chunks at the base were cut up and chucked over the hedge to the sloping ground for mulch.

Before we left Texas I was riding 20 miles most days and Phyllis had been riding 10 miles.  Today is two weeks from when I started taking the trikes apart.  I finally got both trikes back together and last evening we rode 1.11 miles around the hospital and back.  The hills are very noticeable here compared to the flat Kenwood RV Park layout.

 Both were wore out by end of day and still feeling it today.

Is now 2:20 PM as I finish this - very slight mist occasionally outside, looks like won't amount to much as larger part of storm moved straight east.

More later, Lynn

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