Sunday, May 24, 2020

More rain

Click here for the Moron Brothers 
I think you have to have a Facebook account to make this link work.  I really enjoy these two old boys.
67º with rain now at 5:47 pm on Sunday afternoon here in Clarinda, IA.  I dumped .15" of rain from the gauge this morning from over-night rain.  Rain is to continue this afternoon and evening according to the forecast.

Worked some more on hedge at back of the place this morning to the east end and also the big plants that I don't know the name of--when trimmed it back discovered the Tiger Lillie's underneath.  They were completely covered over.

 Put the cuttings from the unknown big plants around the little Maple Tree that I planted several years ago.  Photo at right.  It is about 4 feet tall now.  Have cut some of the Cedar Tree branches away over it to let the sun hit it.  Plan to remove the Cedar Tree if and when this Maple gets 8 or 10 feet tall.

Saturday we drove to the Cemetery and placed flowers on sister Louise's headstone, Phyllis' parents and her older sisters stones as well as Phyllis' sister Beth's husband Steve Gregory's parents headstone.

 Lots and lots of flags lining the main streets through the cemetery.

This headstone is not being used, just yet.

 After we ate a late lunch today, we went riding on the recumbent trikes about 2:30 pm.  Rode a bit around the hospital parking lots and then rode a while around the parking lot of the Cobblestone Inn.

Since it is Sunday and Fairway Grocery is not open on Sundays, we rode several miles on their parking lot before taking a few laps around parking lot at Goldenrod Manor.

From the nursing home we went next door to what used to be Walker-Merrick-Billings Funeral Chapel and is now the Clarinda Mental Health Center, a part of Clarinda Regional Health Center (the Hospital across the street from us).

On getting back to the house (with nearly 5 miles ridden) Phyllis mowed the lawn and I finished picking up the trimmings from the hedge and plants nearby on the northeast corner of the lot behind our storage/workshop building.

I took this picture and the one
below when it was raining
lightly.  It was still as
could be with the windmill
not moving a bit.

Raining on back deck - the flowers that were on the bench are now at the cemetery and I put some of the smaller logs cut from the Mulberry tree last week on it.

Here is an old photo I came up with from 12 years ago -- at the Funeral of my sister, Louise, in 2008.  Taken in the basement of the old Clarinda Methodist Church.  Her funeral was 12 years ago today - May 24, 2008
I will try to come up with another blog posting in a few days - Lynn

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