Sunday, May 31, 2020

Spending weekend with kids in Marengo, IA

71ยบ here in Marengo, IA at 11:15 am on Sunday.
Left Clarinda on Friday a little after 10 am, stopped for a bite of take-out at an Araby's in Osceola, IA and got to Cam & Pat's about 3 pm
Jessica with one of her games
Phyllis with new "drape" from Patty


Photos from Friday and Saturday, with Granddaughters Ashley and Emily as well as Great Granddaughter  Jessica and her dad Heath -- and Cameron & Patty


Some photos of my activities last week

Building frame for tomatoes

Goofing off Saturday

Th hat

Sisters looking at old, old VCR tapes with GMa

I am using a new Blogger format, and not getting along with it.  As we are watching the Dragon space capsule hooking up with the Space Station on TV, will close this for now and publish.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Clarinda...Past & Present - 2009/2010 Calendar

I have been scanning old photos and slides, and ran across this calendar printed by the Clarinda Herald-Journal.  Enjoy   ---  Click on photos to enlarge.

A clearer copy of above
On the full pages they show small description.  I will insert blow-up following picture.

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...